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"stilinski said no, didn't he?" malia asked putting her books in her locker.

"yeah." scott replied.

"but we're going anyway?" malia asked.

"yep." scott said.

"or you could stay here and help me convince gwen she's in danger." liam said.

gwen was another girl who was going to be taken by the wild hunt. when hayden confronted her, she didn't believe her.

"it's not your job to convince her. it's your job to keep her safe." scott told his beta.

"just kidnap her." malia said.

"do not kidnap her. we'll be back tonight after we talk to stilinskis dad." scott said as they made their way to the doors.

"do we really have to do this?" malia asked.

"he's our only lead." scott told her.

"okay. what if the ghost riders show up?" liam asked.

"then you'll handle it, liam. and look, you're not alone. you've got mason and corey and hayden. okay? just find a safe place for gwen and keep her there." scott said.

"any suggestions?" liam asked.

"it doesn't matter as long as she's safe." scott said walking out the door with malia.

"kidnap her." malia told liam.

"do not kidnap her." scott said.


"i can't believe we're about to break into a nursing home." scott said.

"after the orderlies at eichen house, pretty sure we can handle some nurses." malia said walking in.

she went over to the front desk and she slammed the guys head into the desk and locked him into a closet.

they walked over to where stilinskis father was and entered his room.

"yes?" he asked looking at scott, lydia and malia.

"oh. is it time for my medicine?" he asked.

"we don't have your medicine." malia told him.

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