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stiles was sitting in a train station and he noticed a bunch of people also sitting around.

he looked down at the keys in his hand and he looked back at the woman sitting beside him.

"excuse me? sorry, where are we?" stiles asked her.

"we're at the train station." she replied.

"right. okay. helpful. which train station exactly?" stiles asked.

"train station number 137." the woman replied.

"did you see me come in?" stiles asked beginning to be confused.

"no." she said.

"how long have you been here?" stiles asked her.

"maybe an hour?" the woman said with a shrug.

"we got here at the same time. it's been at least six hours." a man spoke up.

"six hours? where you goin'?" stiles asked them but they didn't have a response.

"uh, uh... i had a ticket with me somewhere. um..." the woman said.

"you always travel in your work clothes?" stiles asked her when he noticed she was wearing scrubs.

"i must've been in a rush." the woman replied.

stiles went up to the ticket booth to see if there was anyone there but he couldn't see anyone.

"do you know if anyone works here?" stiles asked.

"the following stops have been canceled, hollatine, batten, bay burry, deer ridge, red oak, trenton, anderson, king springs." they heard making a bunch of people get up from their seats.

"excuse me, where are those trains going?" stiles asked someone but they just walked away from him.

"excuse me, do you know what train this is?" stiles asked but they kept walking as well.

"does anyone know where this trains going? excuse me, do you know what train this is? do you know where's this trains going?" stiles kept asking people but no one would give him a response.

everyone looked near the train entrance and they saw the ghost riders coming along on their horses and they brought in more people.

missing - stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now