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"take your time. no rush. only thing at stake is any evidence of our existence... soon to be lost... forever." peter said.

"okay, not helping." stiles said.

they heard the horses coming back and they immediately ran out of the room and went back into the train station to hide from the ghost riders.

they saw that the ghost rider had went inside the room they were just in but they weren't in there.

"in case you're keeping count, that's twice i've saved your life today." peter told him.


marcie and alice got up after they left and marcie knew it was now or never.

"i'm gonna need your help, mom." marcie said.

"mom?" marcie said when she didn't receive an answer.

she turned to her mother and she saw her sitting down on the bench with the others.

"hey, mom. what are you doing?" marcie asked her.

"i'm waiting for my train." alice replied.

"what? no, you're supposed to help me get out of here." marcie said.

"no, i have to wait for the train." alice replied looking forward with no expression on her face.

"no, no, no, no." marcie said.

she knew that this wasn't good. the effect the ghost riders had on people got to her mother.


they all got inside the jeep and lydia started looking in the dash for something, anything that could give her a clue.

all the sudden, the radio stopped making malia and scott looked down at it.

"why'd it stop?" malia asked.

"it doesn't matter. there has to be a reason." lydia said.

"what?" scott said with a flinch.

"you caught a scent?" lydia asked him.

"yeah. uh... ours. mine, yours, all three of us." scott replied.

"mine? i've never been in this jeep before." malia told him.

missing - stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now