26.) A Timeline Comparison

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A boy in my history class gave me the timeline of his transition once.

When he was eight, he was professionally diagnosed with gender dysphoria for the first time.
When I was eight, I was excusing myself from recess because I couldn't watch everyone and debate and denounce my thoughts about my gender anymore. I was crying about it alone and confused in the bathroom.

When he was eleven he started testosterone for the first time.
When I was eleven I was regularly having panic/anxiety attacks because I started getting regular periods. I had to hide it from my mom every month or she'd drunkenly scream out to the entire house that I was "ragging".

Three weeks ago, he got top surgery.
Three days ago, I finally got a proper dress shirt and blazer.

I'm jealous of him.

I'm sad for my past self.

I'm happy with my current self.

I'm bitter over the wasted years.


Be true, stay you ❤❤

~Day Dreamer~

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