Little brother

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I run out of the school and try and find him. I find him on a bench in the garden.  I hurry and sit next to him.

"Hey it's okay. Wanna hear about how I triggered my curse?" I ask. Hoping it will help. He nods. "It was only a few months ago actually. It was my fifteenth birthday. My best friend took me to a party. We unfortunately drank. A friend of mine let me drive. It was stupid. I know, I didn't even have my permit. I don't know where she came from. I looked back for two seconds. I heard my friends screaming at me, I turned back and she went flying." I take a deep breathe.  "I tried to save her but she was gone."

He looks up at me. "Wow." Is all he manages.

"Yea now I have to live with that everyday. And you do too. But here it's okay. We learn to live with our actions and learn to be the good guys."

He quickly stands up. "Let's finish the tour."I stand up as well. We start to walk back to school. "I'm glad I have a big sister." He smiles.

My heart fills. I pull him into a hug. "I'm happy to have a little brother."

I take Jason over to Jed, the Salvatore school's alpha. Him and the wolves are in the gym as always. Jed looks at me than at the little boy.

"New recruit?" He asks.

I put my hands on Jason's shoulders. "This is Jason. My little brother. From my mom's side."I say.

Jed's eyes widen. "I thought she was..."

"She's not." I interrupt. I turn to my brother. "Now this is your alpha. He's pretty cool. He will show you everything you need to know." I look back at Jed. "Will you take him to meet his  roommate after you're done. He's in room 23W." I explain.

Jed nods, he turns to the young boy. "Let me introduce you to everyone." He says as he leads the boy to the rest of the group.

I smile as I watch him introduce himself to the wolves. His new family.

I turn around walk out of the gym. I head back to the headmistress' office.  I knock on the door and hear a faint come in. I open the door to see my mother and Mrs Salvatore talking.  They turn to look at me.

"How is he?" Jennifer asks.

I turn to Mrs. Salvatore. "He has met the pack and Jed will take him to his room. We should see him at dinner." I explain.

"Good. I'm glad he is settling in alright." Jennifer smiles.

I just roll my eyes. "May I be excused?" I asks. The headmistress nods. I turn around and head out the door.

I walk to Alec's room. I knock on the wooden door. Within a few seconds Danny opens the door. 

"Alec isn't here." He says.

"When will he be back?" I ask.

He shrugs and closes the door in my face. I roll my eyes. Danny and I don't really get along. He has never liked Me or Hope. I've never figured out why. 

I walk down to the library. I decide to get some studying done as finals were in a few week. And  since I've been banned from magic classes but still have to take the finals I need to get as much studying done as possible.

I go to the search scroll. It's exactly like it sounds. We put in a word and bam all the books containing that word comes out of the shelves. I look up the word 'travelers'. The main topic of magical history is all the magical creatures who have walked this earth. I've got the main three down. Even know about sirens. But travelers are kind of tricky for me. I mean these witches used magic, but hated the use of magic. It's always been confusing for me. What were they thinking. Didn't they know if they got rid of magic they would cease to exist as well. They obviously weren't very smart.

I take a book with a dark green cover off the shelf and begin my reading.

I'm smack in the middle of the travelers when they needed doppelgänger blood for some spell when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I flinch as I turn to see Alec. I smile up at him. I close the book making sure to mark my page before doing so.

"You misses dinner." He explains.

I quickly look up at the clock. It reads eight forty nine at night. "Damn I must have lost track of time." I explain. Right than my stomach growls loudly.

Alec laughs and pulls me up out of my seat. I laugh as he leads me towards the kitchen. He lifts me onto the counter. Than turns for the freezer and pulls out cookie dough ice cream. He grabs to spoons from the drawer and hands me one.

"How did you know cookie dough was my favorite?" I ask as I take the first bite.

"Lucky guess." He grins. I laugh at him and take another bite.

The kitchen door swings open to reveal my little brother and another young boy. Who for the life of me cannot remember his name. He's Jason's roommate, that I do know.

I quickly hop off the counter and head towards my brother.

"Hey Jason. Sorry I wasn't there at dinner." I apologize to him.

"It's okay Jed let me sit with him and the rest of the pack. They are really cool." He turns to the young boy. "This is Kyle, my roommate. He's cool too."

I smile at the boys. I look back to see a very confused Alec. I pull him over. "Alec this is Jason. My little brother." I say.

His eyes go wide. "Your what?" He asks.

"That is a very long story." I laugh at my boyfriend. I back at the boys. "You better be getting back to your room. Curfew is very soon."

Jason smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Goodnight Lilly." He says.

"Goodnight Jason." I say back wrapping my arms around him.

Jason and Kyle grab two water bottles and go out of the kitchen.

"You have a brother?" Alec asks.

"Yea its a long story. I'll explain later." I start to put up our snack. "I am tired from all that studying." I kiss him on the cheek. "Goodnight." I go out the door and head to my room. I get into pajamas and turn off the lights. It's been a long day. I close my eyes and within seconds I am sound asleep.

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