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Hope and I are in her room. I sit at her desk while she is on her bed. I answer a text from Alec than set my phone down to pay attention to the task at hand. 

"So tell me what happened." I ask.
She explains everything. From her being the one to first kidnap her mother to Roman coming all the way to see her in New Orleans.
"Wow." Is all I manage.

"I know."

I quickly stand up and open the door, and I head out her dorm room door.

"Lilly where are you going?" She calls. "Lilly!"

I keep walking. I walk into the memorial library and head to our scroll like search bar.

I put in 'cloaking' and 100s of books pop out of the shelves.

"Lilly what are you doing?" She asks again.

"Take a few and let's get to work." I say as I grab as many books as I can carry. I begin my walk back to Hope's room. I don't even look to see if she's following me. I swing open the door and spread the books on the bed.

Hope soon joins me putting her batch of books on the bed as well.

I grab one and sit myself on the floor.

"So what are we looking for?" She asks.

"Anything to undo your cloaking spell without you being there with your mom." I say turning the page to the booking, finding nothing on the first couple pages.

"That is such a good idea." She says as she grabs a book and joins me on the floor.


After hours of looking through those books I finally call it quits for the night.

I stand up from the floor and put the books up in two neat piles. Ones that have been read and another that has not been.

"I'll see you tomorrow and we'll get back to work okay?" I say as I hug my best friend.

"Thank you for helping me." She hugs me back.

I smile. I walk back to my room. On my way back I run into Professor Saltzman.

"Hello Lilly." He says. "What are you doing up after curfew?"

"Just some late night snacking." I lie.

"Oh well I was just in the kitchen and you were not there." He says. "Plus the kitchen is the other way." He points in the direction of the kitchen, the way I was not coming from.

"Oh crap," I whisper under my breath.

"Oh crap is correct. Now what were you really doing? Cause if I recall correctly Hope and Alec's rooms are in that direction. So who where you with?" He asks again.

"I was consoling Hope." It's not a total lie.

His face softens a bit. "Okay well lying is not a good idea Lilly.  Just tell the truth next time." He says.

"You got it." I smile. I walk past him again.

I get to my room and head to sleep.

I wake up by being struck by a pillow. I quickly open my eyes to find my best friend at my side table.

"Back to work we go." She says.

I rub my eyes trying to wipe the sleep away. "Shouldn't we go to class?" I ask sleepily.

"Yes. But we study between classes. Meet me in the garden during lunch." She smiles as she opens my door. "See you than." She's gone before I can even get another word out.

I quickly get dressed in a white blouse under a blue checkered jacket, I match it with a plan blue skirt. I tie up my hair in a high ponytail. I slip on some black flats. I grab my bag and walk out of my dorm room.


The day goes smoothly, unfortunately I haven't seen Alec today, but he's in my class after lunch.

I head to the garden,and find my best friend under the gazebo with two brown old looking books. Spell books.

Hope looks up, and smiles as she sees me. She moves over so I can sit next to her. I do.

We spend lunch looking through dusty books. I cut my hand on a page. "Ouch!" I scream holding my finger.

"What happened?" Hope asks with concern in her eyes.

"Just a paper cut. It'll heal." I say.

"Here." Hope takes a safety pen off her jacket and stabs her finger. She holds out her finger, offering it to me.

"I'm a wolf I'll heal in a couple hours. It's a minor cut. I don't need your blood." I say

She shrugs as she wipes the exposed blood off her finger.


Lunch ends, I get up and start my walk back to the building.

"Lillian!" Hope calls. I turn to my friend and she pulls me into a hug. "Thank you."

I hug her back. "Of course." I say. I pull away from her. "Come on now, we're gonna be late for our next classes."

"I'm gonna skip the last half of the day. Going to continue researching." She says.

"Okay just remember we only have a week until finals." I say. I turn around and walk away to my next class. My class with Alec.

As I round the corner I run into a familiar face.

"Freya?" I ask as I look up at my best friend's aunt.

"Lilly. Hello. Have you seen Hope?" She asks.

"Yea she should be up in her room." I say, than I get excited. "Did you find Haley?"

Her face goes sad. "No, just need to talk to my niece. Doesn't concern you." She starts to walk away.

I stop her by standing in front of her.  "If it concerns Hope, it concerns me."

"Ah Yes, you two come as a pair."  I nod confirming her statement. "But you should get to class. I'm sure she'll fill you in." She uses a spell to push me aside and walk away from me.

This should be interesting.

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