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Later that day I find Hope looking upset. I walk up behind her.

"You okay?" I ask.

She jumps a little. Startled by my presence. She turns around and relaxes as she realizes it's me.

"I'm okay. Aunt Freya just got to me." She admits.

"You'll be okay. She's just worried about you." I try to convince her.

She nods not saying another word. Hope just looks out the window.

"I'll leave you alone. Goodnight." I  put my hand on her shoulder as to comfort her. I remove my hand and walk out the door.

On my way back to my room I see Roman head towards the room Hope is in. I sigh, what is his obsession with her?

I continue my track to my room as I open the door I find Alec sitting on my bed.

"Hey," I say, I close the door. "I'm pretty sure my room was locked."

"I picked the lock." He shrugs.

"Yea cause that's not a big deal." I say sarcastically.

He laughs and gets up off my bed. "We didn't get to talk in class today and I didn't see you at lunch." He comes closer to me.

"Well that's what happens when we have a test," I laugh. "As for lunch I was in the garden, catching up on um, some reading." Not a total lie.

"Lets go on an adventure." He blurts out.

I look at him confused. "What?" I ask.

His face goes sorrow. "I got excepted into Stanford, So I won't be only a short trip away." He explains.

I move away from him, stunned by what I just heard. "What you're going to Stanford, but that's in  California."

"Yea, So I want to go on a vacation  and spend time with you. You know before I'm 10 hours away in California." He smiles.

I look down at the ground than back up at him. "I can't." I say.

"What why?" He asks.

I let out a sad sigh, "Hope needs my help."

"It's always Hope." He lets out an angry sigh. "What does Hope need this time?"

"Hey." I get defensive. "She is dealing with some real shit right now. Her mom is." I stop myself.

"Her mom is what?" He asks "Her mom is what?" He asks again angrier this time.

"It's not my place to say. But just know she needs my support right now." I look down again.

Alec grabs my arms gently I look up at him. "Hope is damaged. One day she's going to snap and I don't want you in that cross fire."  He says.

I step back from him. "I think you should go." I say simply.

His eyes go blank. "I can't believe this." He storms off slamming the door behind him.

I take a deep breathe. I decide to go to the library to continue studying. Reading and learning has always eased my mind.

I start down the long y'all from my room to the library. As I turn a corner I feel a sharp pain on my head. Before I have time to react I'm struck again and everything goes dark.


I wake up in pitch black. I hear a car motor running and people talking. Both a female and male voice.  I recognize the female's voice right away. Hope.

I start to move around but I'm tied up and my mouth gagged. This means I cannot do a spell. And it's to tiny to turn.

I wiggle around for a little while but soon give up.  Suddenly I remember my necklace. I need to get hurt or angry. I wiggle around again trying to find anything to hurt me. Suddenly my necklace starts to glow red.

"Stop!" I hear Hope shout. The car comes to a quick stop. I am jolted around the trunk. "We have to go back. Lilly is in trouble." I can't hear what the male voice is saying as he says it to low. "I'm going to call her." Hope says.

Yes. Than I remember my phone is with Alaric.

"She doesn't answer." Hope says. "Let's go back. She can help. We're stronger together."

"No!" The voice shouts. I finally recognize the voice. Roman. Of course it's him. I've always known he was bad news. "I mean we should continue with our plan. I'm sure she's fine. Probably just in a fight with Alec."

"Roman I said to turn around. We are going back to school." Hope starts to put her foot down.

"If we don't get to this witch soon we will lose any chance of finding your mother." Roman says.

I try to make out what they continue to say but it becomes muffled.  The car starts again. I know Hope chose her mom. I would have done the same thing. I mean back when I thought she was dead. Now I'm not so sure.

The car continues for what feels like an eternity.  Finally it stops.

I hear the car doors close. Soon I hear the trunk start to open.

It's an older woman. "Hello love." She says sweetly. "You're gonna help me."

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