Chapter 20

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A/N - I'm loosing my mind thnx for listening enjoy y'all

Chapter 20
Alexander's POV

   We arrived at the quaint little diner to find our friends in a booth in the back corner. We made our way over and took our seats.
   "O, um, Alex our dorm is being heavily cleaned. It's just a routine thing, don't worry about it. But we'll be staying with John and Herc for the night." Laf handed me and John menus.
   "Um, ok." I opened the menu and looked for something to order.
   "I recommend there Grilled Cheese!" John whispered from beside me. "Exquisite!" He put up the okay sign, closing one eye and smiled. I giggled.
   "I'll take your word for it." I turned my attention to the waitress. "I'll have the Grilled Cheese with fries then." I smiled. John chuckled. We chatted and ate until closing. They kicked us all out and we headed back to the dorms.
   We arrived at John and Herc's dorm, Herc used his key and opened the door. We all crowded in, John fed Teak. Herc and Laf jumped in the same bed like it was nothing. I threw my bag on the floor and laid down using it as a pillow.
   "Uh uh! No way, I'll sleep on the floor you take the bed." John stood next to Teak's cage waving his finger. I sat up.
   "It's fine, John, I'm used to it." John face displayed a look of sadness. I don't want his pity.
   "Just sleep in the same bed, Jesus. You've done it before." Laf sounded tired and tired of our shit.
   "I-I...that was an accident!" I defended us both.
   "It's the only solution, just do it!" Laf pleaded.

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