Chapter 62

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Chapter 62
John's POV

   Alex gestured around the room and we all smiled.
   "Well I'm glad your town was so nice." I smiled.
   "Why?" Alex asked.
   "Because I get to have the best boyfriend in the world!" I pecked him on the forehead and red creeped up his features.
   "Where are you from?" Laf asked.
   "A hella remote island called Nevis." He replied simply.
   "While we're on the topic of sharing secrets- Laf, Herc, I gotta tell you something." I muttered sheepishly.
   "What?" They asked in unison.
   "I didn't fall." Herc stiffened.
Laf looked confused and Jefferson just sat there blankly. "I let go." Laf's breath caught and Jefferson looked at me confused.
   "What?" He asked.
   "I tried to commit suicide." I grumbled, I did not like Thomas. Jefferson looked stunned.
   "But why would you do that? You have everything." I shook my head.
   "When I came out to my dad he disowned me and I tried so damn hard to get into this college so I could show him I'm not a disappointment." I shifted uncomfortably. "He found me in August and he found Alex." I gripped my chest and Alex hugged me tight. "He beat the shit out of me and threw my head into Teak's cage." A tear rolled down my face and Alex wipes it away.
   "My turn." Jefferson huffed. "This isn't nearly as bad as any of y'all's but it's hella embarrassing." We all sat forward a little. "I have a mockingbird, his name is Dick and I sing with him and play the violin." Jefferson turned bright red and we burst out laughing. "This isn't funny!"
   "La la la, Tommy your voice is so beautiful fuck me!~" I imitated James and Jefferson made a move to hit me. We laughed until Alex started to heave.
   "Alright my turn." Herc laughed. "I'm a tailor right, that's my major." We all nodded. "Well one time Laf was *cough* distracting me and my pin cushion was in the chair and I sat on it." We all burst out laughing once more.
   "You can't blame that on me, mon amour."
Laf laughed. "Alright guess it's my turn."
   "Yes, I can!" Herc defended.
   "Shut up!" Laf lightly hit Herc's arm. "Ok, so I wasn't suppose to come to America. In fact I was put on the do not fly list. So what was my master plan? I decided to ya know change my identity." Laf sighed and put his head in his hands. "I turned myself into a drag queen." He mumbled.
    "Wait, wait, wait, how the fuck did you turn yourself into a drag queen." I laughed.
   "Turns out I'm pretty good at make up." Laf shrugged.
   "OH MY FUCKING GOD! YOU HAVE TO GIVE JOHN A MAKE OVER!" Alex almost fell backwards laughing, I turned red and smacked him on the arm.
   "No way!" I scolded.
   "I'll give you two gallons of your favorite ice cream." Alex offered, I tried to stay strong.
   "Jokes on you! You don't even know my favorite ice cream!" I tried.
   "Fuck!" I looked away. "Fine." I grumbled.
   "I'll be right back, Herc come on!" Laf dragged Herc from the room.
   "I hate you." I grumbled.
   "No you don't, you love me." Alex laughed.
   "I'm starting to reconsider." I mumbled, clearly joking.
   "Oh." Alex mumbled quietly.
   "I'm kidding I swear!" I jumped up and wrapped him in a quick hug.
   "I know!" He smiled, I smacked his arm again.
   "Stop it!" A mad look plastered on my face. "You're gonna make me sad." I muttered.
   "We wouldn't want that, would we?" Alex cupped my face in his hands and pressed the oxygen mask on my lips. I held him in that spot. "Are you trying to make out with an oxygen mask."
   "You're cheating on me?!" Alex faked a taken aback look.
   "Oh, yes!~ Fuck me, oxygen mask!~" I jokingly moaned, Alex laughed and pushed me away.
   "You're so stupid."
   "Yes, but I'm your stupid." I cooed, snuggling up next to him.

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