Chapter 60

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Chapter 60
John's POV

   I darted into the room and scooped up Alex's hand. Tears streaked his face and he pushed or hit the doctors hands away.
   "Lexi, please! You'll die again if you don't let them." Alex nodded slowly and squeezed my hand every time one of the doctors or nurses touched him. They fix an oxygen mask over his face and changed his IV. They removed the defibrillator patches from his chest revealing his scars. They also helped him into a new hospital gown.
   "No! Please make it stop!" He begged and squeezed my hand tighter. The doctors and nurses filed out of the room and shut the door. Alex began to sob and pull at his face and hair.
   "Lex, hey, I'm here." Alex paused and reached forward. He touched my face and traced my lips. "What are you doing?" I asked carefully.
   "Thank you." He muttered.
   "For what?" His hand ran through my hair and down my jaw line as I spoke.
   "For being alive and loving me." He mumbled sheepishly.
   "Well in that case, thank you as well." I smiled and Alex wiped a tear from my cheek.
   "For what?"
   "Giving me a reason to live." Alex's fingers rested on my lips once more.
   "I love you, John Laurens." He mumbled.
   "I love you, Alexander Hamilton." His hands fell from my face and he fell asleep. I wiped his tears and ran my fingers through his hair until my eyes grew heavy and I laid my head down next to him. I drifted off to sleep listening to the steady beep of Alex's heart monitor.
   "John?" My eyes fluttered open and I felt a hand run through my hair.
   "Hm?" I asked rather tiredly.
   "Oh, sorry, I'll let you sleep." He muttered and I sat up.
   "It's ok. What?" I rubbed my eyes and Alex looked concerned.
   "How's your torso?" He asked carefully, his voice was ragged and flat. I grinned and lifted my shirt up to show the dissipating bruises. Alex grinned and reached out, he traced my muscles and I jokingly flexed. Alex laughed and I smiled wide, staring at him.
   "What are you doing?" He asked, noticing my gaze.
   "Admiring my beautiful boyfriend." Alex blushed a little under the oxygen mask.
   "I'm not-" he gestured to him unkempt hair and various wires running off him.
   "Yes you are." I leaned forward and pecked the oxygen mask, Alex giggled. He took a deep breath and pulled up his mask, pecking me on the lips. He fell back into his pillows and plopped the oxygen mask back in place.
   "I wish we could cuddle." He mumble sadly.
   "So do I but I think doc would actually pull your plug." Alex chuckled.
   "I wish!"
   "Hey! We had a pact!" I poked his nose and he giggled.
   "Sorry I almost died." He wouldn't meet my eyes.
   "Hey, don't apologize. That was out of your hands." I used my thumb and forefinger to move his head. "I'm sure the staff would've kicked me out." I chuckled.
   "Why?" Alex used a hand to trace my features once more.
   "I was screaming bloody murder and then they called it and I literally had a temper tantrum." I chuckled sadly.
   "I doubt that."
   "Oh, you under estimate me, Hamilton." I smirked. "Just ask Jefferson, he had to hold me back. They called it and I began to scream louder and thrash around in the ground." Alex reaches up and traced my jawline, his fingers came to rest on my lips.
   "Come here." He muttered and scooted over. I slid into the bed next to him and very carefully pulled him into my lap, wrapping his blankets around us both.
   "I don't know what I would do if you hadn't pulled through." I mumbled and kissed his neck.
   "What is this?" He asked after a moment.
   "Affection." I frowned into his neck.
   "Disgusting." I stopped. "Do it again." I smiled and began to kiss his neck again.
   "I love you."
   "I love you, too." He smiled, he pushed me away from his neck and grinned. "Hey it's your turn." He giggled.
   "My turn?"
   "I got to see your ass so it's only fair that you see mine.~"

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