Chapter 42

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A/N - I'm the biggest hypocrite coz I complain about ppl not updating their stories but I never do it 🤣 I'll try to update more luv y'all enjoy

Chapter 42
Alexander's POV

   I walked of the bathroom and changed into my boxers. I heard the shower head turn on and I got a wicked idea. I tip toed into the kitchen and filled a small tub with freezing water. I tip toed into the bathroom. John faced the wall and had his hand on his head. I lifted the tub above the shower curtain as high as I could and tipped it over. Cold water poured all over John's head and he stumbled back.
   "ALEXANDER HAMILTON! WHAT THE FUCK!" He threw the curtain back and grabbed my arm, pulling me in the shower with him.
   "Hey!" I pushed my wet hair out my face. "Now I need a new sweater and boxers, John!" He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. We made out underneath the shower head until the water turned cold.
   "Hey Alex, could you grab me a towel, please?" I grabbed a towel and covered my eyes with my hand. John took it and I made my way out of the room. A couple moments later, John emerged and changed. I changed to and we dove into my bed. We snuggled up against each other and passed out.
   I woke up several hours later to stifled sobs, I didn't move and kept my eyes closed.
   "I can't do this anymore." John took a shaky breath. Can't do what? "I can't pretend anymore!" John sobbed. Can't pretend? "God, Alex. I love you so much and I have to be strong for you. But I can't anymore-" more sobbing, I wanted so bad to hug him but I knew he'd shut down the second he knew I was awake. "Why didn't it work?" What? "I thought for sure letting go would work but it didn't and now I might hurt Alex. I've already hurt him just being breathing in his vicinity." John brushed my hair from my face.
   "Why didn't it work. I let go, I fell 2 stories and I'm still here."
   "You what?!" I shot up and wrapped him in a hug.
   "Wait?! How much did you hear?!" John pushed me away.
   "All of it. Why would you try to kill yourself?!" I advanced on John and he jumped back.
   "I went though some shit when my dad kicked me out."
   "Why didn't you tell me?"
   "Because you survived a fucking hurricane those are on opposite sides of the spectrum!"
   "I much rather you tell me than hold it all in and go insane."
   "How do you know that gonna happen?"
   "I've watched it happen!" John sucked in a breath.
   "Fine! I came out to my dad when I was 11. He told me I was a disgrace and he forced me to do all kinds of shit, saying 'God's punishment will come to you soon.' Then when I was 16 he started to carry out the punishments himself. I would come home and he'd be waiting, he'd say 'time for your treatment.' He'd beat the shit out of me until I couldn't move. After awhile I was checked into the hospital with several accounts of broken or fractured bones." Tears had started to stream down both our faces.
   "A few mounts later, I climbed the tree in the back yard. I had had enough, I climbed as high as I could and looked down. I-" John choked on his next words. "Let go and fell. I remember hitting the ground and the pain and my mother's screams. Then I woke up in a hospital." John tried to get away from me but I grabbed his arm, pulling him forward. I wrapped him in a hug, John's tears rolled down my skin and I squeezed him tight.

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