Chapter 1- Whose with who?

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Laynes POV:

I walked into the recording studio, and saw Jerry sitting on a little fold up chair, tapping his foot, as he played the guitar, and lightly sang some song.

I couldnt quiet pick up the song, so I'd assume he wrote it. I did know one thing though, and that's that he sounded amazing.

I was always trying to get Jerry to sing with me more for Alice In Chains' stuff.. but he always doubted himself with it.

I sat for a moment and listened to him, and finally I could understand the words to the song-

"So unsure you run from something strong,
I haven't felt like this in so long ,
Wrong, in a sense too far gone from love,

That don't last forever,
Something's gotta turn out right ."

"Wow Cantrell, that's amazing." I said to Jerry, as I walked towards him.

His eyes darted up at me, as he blushed briefly. "O-oh that? Nah. Just a little something. Nothing to freak out over." He sat his guitar down, then smiled up at me. "But thank you Staley."

"Are you kiddin' me? It was cool as fuck. Seriously. But of course." I told him, smiling back. "So, where's Sean and Mike?"

He shrugged his shoulders at me, then said, "Fuck if I know. Sean called and said he can't make it for whatever reason, and Mike- well you know Mike, he'll show up when he wants to I guess."

We both shared a laugh. "Yea true. Well.. do we wait for Mike, or just head out?"

He shrugged again, then said, "Head out?"

"Sure man." I walked towards him, and helped him pack up his guitar. "Where you wanna go?"

"Uhm.. wanna see if Stone and Eddie wanna hang out? They said something about- something bout a bonfire?" Jerry asked me.

"I guess that would be cool." I said, as I picked up his guitar case, and carried it on my shoulder.

"Layne, i can carry it, you know."

"I know. But I've got it." I said, as we left the studio.

We put Jerry's guitar equipment into the car, then headed to Eddie and Stones place.


Jerry walked up, and knocked on the door. Eddie opened the door, with the bright smile he was pretty much known for. "Hey Ed." Jerry said.

"Hey Jerry, Hey Layne." Eddie said. I nodded towards him, and just smiled. "What're you two doing here?"

Jerry looked at me, then back at Eddie. "The uh- Bonfire tonight?" He asked.

"Oh! Yea yea! It's at the South Beach. Uh itll be me, Stone, Chris, Susan, uh- one second." Eddie turned around and called out to Stone. "Hey Stone! Who alls going to the Bonfire?"

Stone walked over, smiled at us.. then said, "Uh.. Chris, Susan, McCready, Jeff- I think.. uhm, I think Dave Grohls coming too, maybe even Kurt?"

We all nodded in agreement. Then Stone looked over at me, and asked, "Your guys coming?"

I shrugged, then said, "Uh.. Mike might.-"
"If he gets his lazy ass up." Jerry butted in.
"Yea.. but Sean cant, hes busy today."

"Alright well.. see you guys there?" Stone asked.

"Yea for sure." Jerry answered.

We said our goodbyes, and "see you soons" and left.

"Well Stones in a good mood." Jerry told me, as we started to drive home.

I chuckled a bit, then said, "Yea- he didn't make any sassy comments this time." We shared a laugh again.

We pulled up to our little apartment, and got ready for the Bonfire.

"Jerry, what're you wearing?" I called out to Jerry, from the next room over. (Me and Jerry were roommates since- forever now.)

"I mean, it's just a bonfire. But it's at the beach so we might swim," Jerry walked into my room, with only swimming trunks on. His long, blonde hair laying over his shoulders and chest. I looked him over in awe. Jerry was such a gorgeous man, honestly. He had beautiful blue eyes, the longest blonde hair I had ever seen.. and a-- a sexy body. I thought to myself.

"What do these shorts look dumb on me or somethin'?" Jerry asked me with a slight chuckle, as he brought me back to reality.

"Huh? No-no sorry. I zoned out. No they look great." I told him, almost blushing from embarrassment.

"Alright, good. Go get dressed man, we gotta go soon." He told me, as he turned away to go back to his own room.

I put on a pair of grey swimming trunks, my combat boots, and I grabbed my leather jacket for later tonight- it usually gets cold at the beach at night.

I walked into Jerry's room, watching as he brushed out his long hair with gentle looking strokes. "Hey Jer, you mind helping me put my hair up? Itll help not get sand and shit in it."

"I dont even know if I can do that." He said, grabbing a hair band off of his tiny dresser.

"C'mon Jerry, you but your hair in a ponytail all the time." I pleaded.

"Alright Layne, turn around for a sec." He ordered, as he grabbed my shoulders, and spun me around.

No one ever touched my hair. People always said its "too dirty looking"- which it wasn't ever that bad. No one played with my hair cause it was always tangled, cause of how curly it was, so they would end up getting their fingers stuck. But when Jerry did, it sent a warm shiver down my spine.

After he had gotten my hair up, he spun me around and with a smile, said, "Looks good." He messed with my ponytail, then said, "Awee.. you look like a cute little puppy."

"And you look like a pretty little girl." I shot back.



"Says the man that used to perform in drag." Jerry said, as he pretended to put makeup on.

"And I looked damn good. Shut the fuck up." I said, as we both shared a laugh.

We both walked out, and got in the car. Jerry was driving.

"So Chris, Susan, Eddie, Stone, Jeff, Mike Mccready, and me, and you are going right?" I asked Jerry.

"Yea. And Kurt, Dave, and our Mike might be going." Jerry told me.

"Oh. So.. uh, whose with who?"

"You mean dating?" Jerry asked me, as he took his eyes off the road for a short second. I nodded, then he said, "Well, Chris and Susan Silver are obviously dating, uhm, Eddie and Stone are dating last time I checked."

I cut him off, and asked, "Didnt Ed date Chris?"

Jerry chuckled, then said, "Yea they did. Damn I forgot.. Chris and Eddie were fucking crazy about eachother- back in high school."

"Whyd they break up?"

"Well- I think- well Chris and Eddie both agreed itd be best to be friends. You know, with their careers shooting off and all. They were both lost as fuck without eachother.. but.. they've both moved on, and are happy. So, yea. Eddie's like Chris's best friend. They're like brothers. Still just as close." Jerry said.

"Oh. You think they still like eachother?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

"I'm sure.. like I said- crazy about eachother. But, Eddie's got Stone now, and Chris has Susan. It's been that way for a while.. so, yea."

"Okay, so Chris is with Susan, Eddie's with Stone-"

Jerry cut me off, then said, "Kurt and Dave are just best friends, but people think they've got some typa crush on eachother. Then Mike Mccready and Jeff are single last time I checked."

"Oh okay. Cool. I was just curious." I said.

We pulled up to the beach, and walked to the crowd of our friends.

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