Chapter 2

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Cinder crouched down at the back of the den hoping that she won't be caught. Just then the pale tabby tom poked his head in and his leaf-green eyes grew wide with shock.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Cinder trembled with fear as he spoke.

'What if he hurts me like those clan-cats hurt my mother?' She thought desperately.

The pale tabby's eyes soften in concern as Cinder whimpered remembering the faint terrible memory.

"It's fine, don't worry I won't hurt you. What's your name?" He asked softly.

"C-Cinder, and yours?" Cinder asked, starting to feel a little bit more comfortable around him.

"Longtail, I'm a ThunderClan warrior." Longtail explained. He purred as she tilted her head to one side.

Cinder was about to ask a question when he darted out of the den quick as lighting, leaving her puzzled. She was about to go and search for him when she heard a deep growl. She cautiously peeked out to see the black-and-gray tabby tom arriving were Longtail was.

"Did you chase the rouge out?" The black-and-gray tabby asked.

"Yes, she went into ShadowClan territory." Lied Longtail. Cinder was confused, why hadn't he told the tom that she was here. Either way she was grateful that he didn't attack her or told the tom.

"She's crow-food in ShadowClan! Come on, let's tell Bluestar that you chased the stupid rogue out!" Cheered the tom.

"You go Darkstripe, I'll hunt. And tell Swiftpaw to rest for the rest of the day." Longtail meowed.

"Fine, suit yourself." Darkstripe shrugged his shoulders and vanished into the bushes.

Longtail sighed and padded into Cinder's den. Cinder shifted around as Longtail came in with warmth in his eyes.

"Sorry about that." Longtail meowed.

"It's fine, anyways why didn't you tell the black-and-gray tabby I was here?" Cinder asked, tilting her to one side.

Longtail looked at his paws for a while. There was an awkward silence between the two cats until Longtail broke the silence.

"I don't know, Darkstripe can be ruthless sometimes." Longtail meowed.

Cinder slowly nodded, she didn't know if should trust this cat. He was friendly, but she just didn't know. She rested her head on her white paws and sighed. Cinder felt Longtail's tail on her back. She looked up into his green eyes and looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice that she had blushed.

"Umm... what is ThunderClan?" Cinder asked, lifting her head. He crouched down next to her as their pelts brushed.

"Well it's a Clan in the forest. There's other clans too, there's: WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and of course my Clan ThunderClan. We live by the warrior code and we train to become warriors or medicine cats." Longtail explained. Cinder nodded as she understood what he was saying.

Cinder looked into his leaf-green eyes to see him looking at her. She didn't realize that her cheeks turned scarlet red until he purred and licked her cheek. Cinder looked down at her paws embarrassment stirring inside her like a whirlpool.

She rested her head on his shoulder while feeling safe with some cat that was nice to her. Longtail purred and entwined his tail with hers. Cinder let him groom her fur as she sleepily started to close her crystal blue eyes.

Cinder dozed off as Longtail started to explained his Clan and fell fast asleep, not noticing that she was curled up next to him with her nose buried into his pale tabby fur. She felt a muzzle nudge her awake. Cinder yawned and opened her crystal blue eyes to see Longtail.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Cinder apologized, as she sat up embarrassed.

"No, it's fine!" Longtail purred. "I have to go see you later, Cinder!" He sat up and flicked his tail as he left the den.

Cinder softy purred and stopped with her eyes wide. Why did I purr? Do I like him? No! I can't he is a clan-cat and I'm a loner, we can't be together. She sighed and peeked out the see the sun starting to go down. Suddenly she remembered how hungry she was, her belly ached with hunger. She looked at her paws and noticed out of the corner of eye that there was a mouse. The mouse was freshly caught and had Longtail's scent.

"Thank you!" She thanked the clan-cat, even though he was gone.

She quickly ate the mouse in a few famished bites and swiped her tongue around her jaws. Her belly felt full with fresh-kill. Cinder pushed her way out of the den and sat on her haunches and looked up at the sky.

Silverpelt was filled with twinkling stars. 'Frost, I miss you!' Cinder cried in her mind.

Suddenly she heard a menacing growl. Her fur fluffed out in fear as Darkstripe stepped out of the brambles.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Longtail lied, he didn't chase you out. Who would have thought he was a traitor. It's time to end you!" With that he lunged at Cinder, knocking the air out of her.

Book 2: Cinderpelt's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now