Chapter 14

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Cinderpelt was curled up in a tight ball of fur as she slept in the medicine cats den. Longtail, pressed against her, constantly licking her ear and soothing her when ever she had a nightmare. She whimpered as she saw the dead body of her mother again.

"It's okay, don't worry." Longtail murmured.

Cinderpelt opened her eyes to darkness. It was moonhigh. Longtail lightly brushed his whiskers to her cheek and licked her muzzle. She buried her face into his pale tabby fur and shivered.

"Another nightmare?" He asked, gently.

She nodded and sighed. Ever since Brokenstar had told them that there would be a battle, everyone has been cautious. It's past a moon, but ThunderClan has scented ShadowClan scent on their territory, so Bluestar has increased the patrols.

"This is all my fault, if I hadn't come here none of this would have happened." Cinderpelt murmured.

Longtail softly tugged at her ear and looked at her in the eyes.

"If I had never met you, I would have been lost." He meowed. "You mean to me more than you can imagine. I love you."

Longtail licked her forehead and Cinderpelt smiled. Yellowfang slept soundly in her nest, curled up. Cinderpelt settled down again next to Longtail and closed her eyes.

"Good night." Longtail murmured.

"Good night." She purred softly.

Cinderpelt woke up with a yawn and looked down at her flank. The scars were barely visible and it didn't hurt as much. Longtail snored softly next to her with his tail over his nose. She purred and licked his ear.

Yellowfang padded in with a bundle of marigold leaves in her jaws.

"Cinderpelt you are able to go back to warrior duties. But if you feel pain in your belly or anything come talk to me." Yellowfang meowed.

"Um, okay." She replied.

'My belly? My belly doesn't hurt. But oh well, she's the medicine cat.' Cinderpelt thought.

Yellowfang went deeper into her den to sort out her herbs and Cinderpelt nosed at Longtail to wake him up. He slowly opened his green eyes and yawned. He straighten up once he saw Cinderpelt smiling.

"Yellowfang said that I can finally go back to warrior duties!" She meowed.

"That's great!" He purred. "Come on, let's get something to eat."

Cinderpelt nodded and they both exited the den and were greeted by a leaf-fall breeze. It would get colder when leafbare are arrived, but the fresh-kill pile was well stocked and it seemed that prey was running well. Sandstorm was settled near the fresh-kill pile enjoying a vole.

"Hello Sandstorm." Cinderpelt greeted.

"Hey!" The pale ginger she-cat replied, with a mouthful of vole.

Longtail chose a thrush to share and they settled down near the warriors den to eat. Darkstripe came out of the warrior's den and slightly glared at Cinderpelt. He held his head high and padded towards the massive dark brown tabby deputy.

She nervously took a bite out of the bird and swallowed. Longtail looked at her with concern in his leaf-green eyes.

"What's the matter?" He inquired.

"N-nothing." She stammered.

Cinderpelt gasped as the clearing disappeared and she was in a dark pine forest. A large white tom with black paws stepped out of the shadows and into the dim light.

"Blackfoot?" Cinderpelt breathed.

He had plain expression on his face and his eyes were filled with cold hatred. She slightly whimpered as he loomed over her.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked, nervously. She crouched down in fear, her tail fluffed out.

Blackfoot unsheathed his claws and leaned down and growled.

"You will die for betraying me." He growled.

'What is he talking about? What is he going to do?' She thought fearfully.

"What do you mean?" She whimpered.

He hissed and roughly pushed her over with claws extended. She landed with a thud on the cold ground. He had his paws firmly placed on her chest and bared his teeth at her. Cinderpelt whimpered as he snapped his teeth close to her throat.

"Longtail is dead, and so will you." He hissed.

Cinderpelt wailed in fear and grief as she turned her head to see the torn up body of Longtail. His green eyes sightless. Blackfoot let her up and she raced towards Longtail's dead body.

"Longtail? Longtail!" She cried. "Please wake up!"

His pale tabby fur was barely visible under the blood. Cinderpelt screeched in pain as Blackfoot bit her neck. She quickly started to grow weak and finally stopped fighting. She closed her eyes as darkness engulfed her.

"Cinderpelt?" She heard a voice ask.

She opened her crystal blue eyes to find herself in the ThunderClan clearing. She was back; a thrush in front of her and Longtail next to her. Cinderpelt turned her head to see Longtail.

Cinderpelt licked his muzzle and nuzzled his pale tabby fur. She breathed in his sweet scent happy that he wasn't dead.

"Are you alright? You were kinda staring off in the distance." Longtail meowed.

She told him what happened and he stiffened. He looked down at the thrush and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and locked gazes with her.

"I had the same vision, but you were the one killed. A-and Tigerclaw was the one who killed you."

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