Chapter 15

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Cinderpelt's eyes grew wide with shock.

"W-when did you have the vision?" She asked nervously.

"We can't talk here. Follow me." He meowed.

They quickly ate the thrush and padded out into the forest. The two warriors arrived at a well hidden clearing where nobody could her them.

Cinderpelt sat down in from of him with her tail nearly wrapped around her white paws. Longtail did the same and took a deep breath before beginning.

"Well I was in a dark clearing. I scented the stench of blood. Then the light brighten a bit to a specific area... y-your body was torn up and your blue eyes were glazed with fear. B-but I knew you were dead." Longtail croaked.

Cinderpelt looked down at her paws. Her body quivered with horror as she tried to imagine herself dead. Cinderpelt felt Longtail's breath against her forehead. She looked up and he pressed his muzzle against hers.

"Do you want me to continue?" He whispered.

"Y-yes." Cinderpelt stammered.

Longtail slowly pulled back and continue.

"Okay, I raced towards you and b-buried my face into your fur. You were cold, that's when Tigerclaw came. He started to... laugh and..." Longtail stopped and shivered.

He looked down and closed his leaf-green eyes. Cinderpelt softly whimpered and sat next to him; flanks pressed against each other. She rested her head on his shoulder and Longtail slightly relaxed.

"And he tried to kill me, that's when I woke up from the vision." He rasped.

Longtail buried his nose into her fur and breathed in her scent. He entwined his tail with hers and sighed.

"We have to figure out what this means." Cinderpelt meowed, gently.

Longtail looked up and his leaf-green eyes blazing with angry.

"One things for sure, we can't trust Tigerclaw and Blackfoot." He hissed.

"Nor Darkstripe." Cinderpelt muttered.

She knew that Darkstripe hadn't forgotten that he attacked her when she had first met Longtail. Cinderpelt didn't tell anyone about it and even Longtail. Maybe it was time for her to tell him.

"Um, Longtail there's something I have to tell you...." She began.

Longtail pricked his ears and his eyes were filled with concern and puzzlement.

"Yes?" He asked.

"W-when we first met and you left, Darkstripe a-attacked me." She rasped.

Longtail's hackles raised and his fur prickled with hatred.

"When I find him, he's going to wish he was never born!" He growled.

He stood and was headed towards camp. Cinderpelt quickly padded up to him, stumbling a bit. She pressed her forehead to his chest and whimpered.

"Please don't, he said that he would kill me and you." She cried.

Longtail curled his tail around her and purred. He rested his chin on her head and sighed.

"He will have to go through me if he thinks he's going to hurt you." He whispered in her ear.

Cinderpelt buried her face into his pale tabby fur and felt small tears start to stream down.

I won't let anything happen to you, Longtail. I will be here for you. Cinderpelt vowed in her mind.

Cinderpelt gasped as she felt a strange feeling in her belly.

"What's the matter?" Longtail asked, gently.

"I don't know my b-." Cinderpelt was interrupted by a painful jolt of pain coursing through her belly.

She stretched out trying to easy the pain and closed her eyes. Cinderpelt felt Longtail sniff her with worry and nudged her up.

"We have to get you to Yellowfang."

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