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"Leopardkit, I'm gonna catch you!" Bramblekit laughed.

The small pale gray tabby she-cat with dark silver dots on her hind legs and one dark silver stripe along her spine to her tail-tip giggled. She was now three moons old and she was an energetic kit. Her lush green eyes filled with joy. Tawnykit also chased her around the nursery, Bramblekit launched himself in the air and landed on Leopardkit.

"Caught you!" He meowed in triumph. Cinderpelt, her mother, purred with amusement as her kit played.

Bramblekit jumped off her, Leopardkit shook her pelt to get the scraps of moss out. Tawnykit jumped on Bramblekit and they started to play fight. Leopardkit bounced out of the way so she wouldn't get caught in the fight.

"Leopardkit, come over here." Cinderpelt meowed. Leopardkit bounced towards her and sat down as her mother washed her fur. "I wonder how you get her fur dirty all the time." Her mother purred.

"Okay, okay, my pelt's clean! Can I go and play?" Leopardkit complained.

"Alright." Cinderpelt purred in delight. Leopardkit ran towards Bramblekit and knocked him over. He yowled in surprise and battered her ears with claws sheathed. Tawnykit joined in and wrestled with them.

"Looks like my kit is having a fun time." Longtail purred, as he came in from the nursery entrance.
Leopardkit scrambled from under Bramblekit and Tawnykit and raced towards him.

Bouncing around his legs, she followed him towards her mother. Longtail licked Cinderpelt's cheek as he crouched down beside his mate. Leopardkit climbed over him until she was on top of his head.

"And what do you think your doing up there?" Longtail purred. The small tabby kit giggled and bit his ear. "Hey, that hurts!"

Leopardkit giggled and jumped off him, before she could escape, he wrapped his tail around her. He moved her towards his front paws and licked her head. Cinderpelt rested her head on Longtail's shoulder, watching him play with their kit. Leopardkit battered her father's muzzle harmlessly as they played.

"I love our family." Cinderpelt whispered in Longtail's ear. Longtail purred and nuzzled her smokey gray-and-white fur.

"Me too." He replied.

Leopardkit yawned and drowsily padded to her mother's flank to sleep. Longtail gave his kit a lick on the head and gave his mate a lick on the cheek. She closed her lush green eyes as sleep overtook her.


Hey guys!!!!!!

I'm sad to say that the book is . . . Over! 😥

But don't worry the story continues!!!! Check out Leopardstripe's Heart, it goes along with this book.

I will start to work on Leopardstripe's Heart!!! So . . . It's now NOT on hold!!!

Hurray!!!!!!! 😄

Hope you liked this book, vote and comment!!!

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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