Chapter 6

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The WindClan border patrol lead by Mousefur included: Longtail and Cinderpelt.

Cinderpelt had been made a new warrior the day before and she was proud to be a loyal ThunderClan warrior.

Longtail padded next to the smokey gray-and-white she-cat and Mousefur took the front. The pale tabby nuzzled her fur and Cinderpelt stifled a soft purr.

"Stop it love birds," she stopped in her tracks. "Can't you smell the stench of fox?" Mousefur scolded, her voice filled with bitterness.

The small dusky brown she-cat continued forward and they followed.

Mousefur had loved Longtail, but when he had shown more affection towards Cinderpelt she grew bitter. The warrior had been nothing but rude to Cinderpelt when she had first arrived.

Cinderpelt looked down at her white paws, sparks of anger mixed with confusion clouded her heart. It wasn't her fault that Longtail loved her.

"Don't pay attention to her. I will love you no matter what." Longtail purred in her ear.

Cinderpelt looked up at his leaf-green eyes and pressed closer against him.

"Stop!" Mousefur hissed, her pelt bristling.

She whipped around her, hazel eyes blazing with jealousy and rage. Cinderpelt looked at her and faintly hissed as she stepped forward.

"Stop what?" Cinderpelt demanded.

"Stop purring, showing affection, blushing, entwining your tails together, and stop... loving her!" Mousefur growled the finally part to Longtail.

Longtail's pelt bristled and he growled, pushing Cinderpelt behind him.

"I can love whom ever I like! And you don't have control over my emotions! If you ev-" Longtail was caught off by a menacing growl.

They all turned their heads to see the russet-red creature with beading amber eyes.

Cinderpelt voice hitched as she meowed, "No."

The fox leaped with claws extended and landed firmly on Longtail in an instant.

Cinderpelt yelped in fear as the fox raked its claws along his flank. Longtail screeched in pain and clawed its muzzle. The fox growled and lifted Longtail up and threw him against a tree. He let out a shriek but was cut off as he hit the brown trunk.

"Longtail!" Cinderpelt yowled.

Mousefur pushed her as the fox reached out for her. Cinderpelt stumbled to the ground and saw Mousefur on the fox's back.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" She growled.

Cinderpelt quickly shook her head and lunged at the fox's belly. The fox yelped as scarlet red blood swelled out of its belly. It threw Mousefur off and ran across the forest into WindClan territory.

Cindetpelt quickly dashed towards Longtail who laid motionless.

"Longtail?" Cinderpelt rasped. Tears formed from her blue eyes.

Blood oozed out of his flank and his eyes were closed. She crouched down next to him and rasped her tongue over his cheek. She felt Mousefur stare at Longtail's body with grief pulsing through her pelt.

"Longtail, please wake up. I need you, I-I love you." She whispered into his ear.

She entwined her tail with his and licked his muzzle. Cinderpelt pressed her face into his fur and whimpered.

"Cinderpelt I-" Mousefur began.

She blocked her out and removed her face from Longtail's pale tabby fur. Cinderpelt felt relive and love flood through her as she heard a grunting sound from Longtail.

He opened his eyes and gazed into her crystal blue eyes. He weakly smiled at her, wincing as more blood dropped to the ground she helped him up gently.

"We need to get you to Yellowfang's den." Cinderpelt meowed.

"No, no I'm f-fine." He slurred. Longtail slowly started to slip down to the ground.

"Are you mouse-brained, you have to see a medicine cat! Do you want to die?" Mousefur hissed.

Cinderpelt gasped, was she serious? Would he die?

"Come on, let's go back to camp." Cinderpelt meowed gently.

Once they arrived to camp, Mousefur had gone to Bluestar's den to tell her what happened, while Cinderpelt laid down next to Longtail in the medicine cats' den. She would constantly lick his cheek as he slept.

"Cinderpelt, don't worry he'll be fine." Yellowfang assured her, her amber eyes glowed with sympathy. "But you can stay here for the night."

"Thank you, Yellowfang." She meowed gratefully.

Longtail snored quietly next to her which made her purr. Cinderpelt licked his muzzle and smiled.

His words echoed in her mind; I will love you no matter what.

Bluestar padded in the den with Mousefur at her heels.

"Longtail will live." Yellowfang meowed, before their leader could ask.

"Are you sure?" Mousefur meowed anxiously.

"Of course! I am a medicine cat after all!" She snapped at the warrior.

Longtail shifted around in his sleep, but stopped as he quickly relaxed beside her.

After Bluestar and Mousefur had gone out of the den and Yellowfang had slept soundly, Cinderpelt relaxed.

"I love you." She whispered to him. She laid her head next to his and closed her eyes with one finally glance at Silverpelt.

"I love you too." She heard him purr.

Cinderpelt smiled and snuggled up closer towards him as her breathing slowed and she was asleep.


Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't been updating in a long time. I've been busy with school projects, essays, etc.

Oh and sorry that I skipped Cinderpelt's apprentice time, I just had to many ideas for her when she was a warrior.

Anyways hope you guys read my other books.

Check out Spikeheart's life and Leopardstripe's loyalty.

Note: I know that in the short stories book I did that Brambleclaw was with Dawnflower (a character I made up, not the one from RiverClan) I just decided to change it up a bit. And Spikeheart was also the cat that was in the short stories book who like Thornclaw, but I decided to give her a proper place. The idea to make up clans and that she was the main plot just came to me. And I'm sorry that I've haven't been updating them either, but you know.

Till next time...

May StarClan light you path


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