Chapter 11

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Cinderpelt parted her jaws to taste the air. She caught the scent of Longtail. She quickly followed his scent trail to see him crying softly as Mousefur placed her tail on his flank.

They were in a small clearing in the forest. Longtail was curled up next to the tree that he had first seen Cinderpelt. Mousefur licked his cheek to comfort him, but he would jerk his head away from her.

"Look, we don't know if Cinderpelt is gone forever or that she's still alive, but you need to get over her. Mousefur stiffly insisted.

Cinderpelt hid herself in the brambles and glared at the small she-cat.

'I'm alive and you better watch your tongue!' She angrily thought to herself.

Longtail lifted his head, his green eyes blazing in fury. He stood up, hackles raised and hissed at Mousefur.

"If you think I will believe your words then you are mouse-brained!" He retorted. "She's alive and I will save her if it costs my life!"

Mousefur flattened her ears against her head and Cinderpelt found hurt in her eyes. She quickly padded away towards camp. Longtail let his fur lie flat and let a tear fall down his face.

"Cinderpelt, why did you have to go?" He rasped.

She couldn't take it anymore, she burst out of the brambles getting scratched in the process and crashed into him.

He looked up surprised and quickly realized who had pinned him down.

"Cinderpelt!" He purred.

He licked her head multiple times and nuzzled her fur.

"I missed you!" He purred.

"Where did you go? Did ShadowClan take you?" He demanded.

Cinderpelt let him stand up and she licked his muzzle. Longtail rubbed his cheek against hers and entwined their tails together.

"Yes they took me to their camp." She meowed, leaning against his chest.

Cinderpelt felt him stiffen with anger and she could hear a growl rise from his throat. He relaxed and rested his head on hers.

"Why did they take you?" He asked.
She looked into his leaf-green eyes and sighed.

"Brokenstar thinks that Kittypets shouldn't be in the forest. I... I think he was going to kill me." Her meow hoarse with fear.

"Don't worry, he will have to go through me if he thinks he's going to harm you." He vowed.

Longtail licked her muzzle and she returned it with a purr. She rubbed her cheek against his, his whiskers twitching with love.

"Come on, let's get you to camp." He murmured.
She nodded and they both walked towards camp. Cinderpelt could see the vivid image of the pale golden brown tom lying dead in ShadowClan territory. She shivered and wondered who he was.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw something." She meowed.

Longtail licked her cheek and nuzzled her fur.

They reached the camp and almost immediately her friends came running towards her. Fireheart, Graystripe, Sandstorm, and many others welcomed her back.

"Where were you?"

"You smell like ShadowClan!"

"Did ShadowClan take you during the

"Why did they take you?"

Cinderpelt blinked her crystal blue eyes, over whelmed by the questions. She tried to answer them all, but Bluestar shouldered her way towards her.

"I'm glad you're back and well." Her leader rested her muzzle to her forehead and looked at her with interest in her blue eyes.
"Come to my den and tell me what happened." Bluestar meowed. "Longtail you can come as well."

Longtail dipped his head. Before they Cinderpelt had rose to her paws to pad after Longtail and Bluestar, Fireheart licked her ear.

"I'm glad your back." He purred.
She smiled and ran after Longtail.
Once they had entered the den, Bluestar sat in her moss bed and the two warriors sat in from of her.

"Alright, now tell me what happened." Bluestar meowed.

Cinderpelt took a deep breath and started to tell them what happened. She left out the parts were Blackfoot had almost killed her and had shown affection.

Bluestar lowered her head in thought. Longtail entwined his tail with Cinderpelt as his fur prickled with anger.

'Spottedleaf maybe is right, Longtail looks like he wants to fight.' Cinderpelt thought.

Bluestar lifted her head and spoke, "I will confront Brokenstar at the Gathering tomorrow. He will have to explain why he would take one of my warriors."

"And there won't be a battle, right?" Cinderpelt asked nervously.


Cinderpelt sighed in relief. Longtail clawed at the sand covered ground, frustrated.

"Longtail, I know your angry, but we can't let more blood be spilled." Bluestar explained gently.

Longtail looked up at his leader and gave her a curt nod. He stifled a sigh and calmed down. Bluestar dismissed them with a flick of her tail and they exited the den.

"Longtail I know your angry, but I don't want to fight. Please tell me you will try to contain your self at the Gathering." Cinderpelt pleaded.

Longtail blinked at her and smiled. He nuzzled her cheek and purred.

"I'll do anything for you."

She smiled and licked his muzzle. Bluestar stepped out of her den and called a Clan meeting to tell them what Cinderpelt had told her.

Tomorrow they would see the reason of the dark ShadowClan leader.

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