Chapter 18

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A chilly breeze ruffled Cinderpelt's fur as she walked along side Longtail. Bluestar in the lead with Tigerclaw by her side and the rest if the patrol following their faithful leader. The moon shone brightly, bathing the cats in moonlight.

"Are you tired? Do you need to rest? We can stop if you want?" Longtail asked worriedly, nosing her soft fur.

"I'm fine, I can handle walking for a bit." Cinderpelt purred.

Her mate still didn't look convinced, he pressed against her, trying to guide her. Cinderpelt was happy that he cared for her, but she couldn't help feel worried about Mousefur. The small dusky brown she-cat glared at them from the back of the patrol. What if she does something to my kit? How will she react to Longtail bearing my kit? Why can't she just let it go and live with it?

Cinderpelt shook her head, dismissing all the troubling thoughts and leaned against Longtail. He entwined his tail with hers as they neared Fourtrees. A strong scent of ShadowClan and RiverClan hit her nose. She wrinkled her nose and glanced into the clearing. She spotted Blackfoot looking anxious.

"Let's go." The pale-blue she-cat meowed confidently.

ThunderClan poured into Fourtrees to meet their friends. Longtail curled his tail around her shoulders as they reached a small patch of grass. The young queen sat on her haunches, next to Longtail, enjoying the night. Silverstream, the slender silver-gray and black tabby she-cat RiverClan warrior, padded up to her and dipped her head.

"It's good to see you, Cinderpelt and Longtail. I haven't seen you in quite some time." The beautiful silver-gray and black tabby meowed.

Cinderpelt dipped her head, and Longtail did the same. She noticed that the young RiverClan warrior was looking rather plump. She must be expecting the kits? I wonder who's they may be?

"It's wonderful to see you again. You look beautiful as ever." Cinderpelt commented.

The slender she-cat smiled warmly and Longtail chuckled. "Oh Cinderpelt, always being the generous she-cat. You look even more beautiful. Longtail is lucky to have you." Silverstream purred.

Cinderpelt slightly blushed and flattened her ears in embarrassment. "Yes, I am lucky to have her." Longtail purred.

"It was nice to talk to you again. I will see you at the next Gathering. " Dipping her head one last time the tabby she-cat padded up to greet ThunderClan. Silverstream quickly found Graystripe and they both quietly slipped into a bush. I wonder what's going on between them?

"Longtail, you can go and speak to your friends. You don't have to stay by my side all night." Cinderpelt meowed.

"B-but I want to be with you. What if you start to feel pain?" Longtail pestered softly.

She sighed and after a few moments arguing quietly, he padded away to talk to Stonefur and Mistyfoot. Cinderpelt sighed in relief. She gazed around the clearing and stopped when she saw the large white tom with jet-black paws beckoning to her to follow. Cinderpelt hurriedly followed him behind one of the trees of Fourtrees.

Once they had settled down, Cinderpelt watched Blackfoot with curiosity. Is something troubling him? Does he need help?

"Cinderpelt . . . I-I wanted t-to know if you would . . . be my m-mate?" Blackfoot stammered.

Cinderplet froze. Her whole world had stopped. He gazed into his amber eyes to find love and longing. She couldn't believe that he had asked her this. I can't be his mate! I'm mates with Longtail and besides we're into two different Clans! I love Longtail, I love Blackfoot as a friend.

The young she-cat looked down at her paws for several of heartbeats.

"Blackfoot, I love you, but . . . only as a friend. I'm expecting Longtail's kit. We couldn't be together even if I loved you more than a friend." Cinderpelt explained soothingly.

Blackfoot's amber eyes that were filled with love, quickly filled with despair and sorrow. He dropped his head in shame and sadness. A chilly wind ruffled her soft fur with the scent of WindClan. She bent her head and licked his forehead. He jerked away, his eyes clouded with grief.

"I'm s-" Cinderpelt began but was interrupted by Blackfoot.

"No, no, it's fine. I understand, I-I have to go." Blackfoot meowed, choking out the words.

He quickly padded back into the clearing and left the young queen in sadness. Cinderpelt sighed, she had known that he loved her. But she didn't expect him to ask her if she would like to be his mate. Oh what am I to do now? I should probably get out there and find Longtail. He would be worried about me. But . . . please let Blackfoot be in peace, StarClan. Let him be a loyal warrior and not hold a grudge.

She quickly stumbled out of behind the tree to see everyone ready for the Gathering to begin. Cinderpelt slowly padded up to Longtail and dat down next to him.

"Where were you?" He asked worriedly.

"Just meeting other cats." She lied.

Longtail had caught the scent of the ShadowClan warrior mixed in with all the other forest scents. He bristled but relaxed as he realized that it was a Gathering. Cinderpelt also relaxed and leaned against him. She could feel Blackfoot's sorrow filled amber eyes scorching her pelt as the Gathering began.


Hey guys!!!!

Hope you liked the chapter!!! Hope you vote and comment on this!!!

So I've noticed that other people on Wattpad have made this art book or drawing book thing. They show their drawings and such, and I was wondering that I might start to do that. Just so you guys can look at my art and sketches.

BUT . . . I'm not gong to start that until I finish Cinderpelt's story and Leopardstripe's Loyalty (probably). Don't think it was a good idea to start The Whisper either . . .

Oh well!!!! I'll deal with it later!!!!

Hope you guys spread the word about my books!!!

Till next time...

May StarClan light your path! :)

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