Chapter 5

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Cinderpaw parted her jaws to taste the air. She had met all of the cats and they seemed nice expect for a couple. Tigerclaw, the deputy of ThunderClan, had not been to happy when he found out another outsider was going to join the clan. Darkstripe kept threatening if she told anybody that he had tried to kill her he would kill Longtail. And Mousefur had been unfriendly to since Cinderpaw was always with Longtail.

She sighed and got into a hunter's crouch as she saw a vole. Her mentor, Fireheart, had told to catch as much prey as she could and bring it back to camp. Cinderpaw had found out that he used to be a kittypet and had been offered to join the Clan by Bluestar.

Cinderpaw returned to camp with three voles, two squirrels, and one thrush. She placed them on the fresh-kill pile and made her way towards the medicine cats' den.

Her white ached for some reason and she didn't know why. Cinderpaw limped towards the den to find Yellowfang sorting out marigold leaves.

"Yes, Cinderpaw? What can I do for you?" The old she-cat's meow softening as she saw her paw.

"My paw hurts when I put my weight on it. I don't know how I got it like this." Cinderpaw explained.

Yellowfang nodded and padded up to her and examined her paw. The old she-cat sniffed her paw and closed her eyes before looking at her again.

"You sprained it. Don't worry it will heal, but no training for a couple of days till it's healed." Yellowfang padded towards her herbs and picked up two poppy seeds and leaves and cobwebs.

Yellowfang had bandaged her paw and told her she would be in her den till her paw was healed.

"May I go into the clearing?" The smokey gray-and-white she-cat asked.

"Yes you may and you might as well tell Fireheart about your paw." The dark gray she-cat meowed. Cinderpaw nodded and limped out of the den.

Cinderpaw saw Fireheart near the fresh-kill pile with Graystripe and Sandstorm. He turned and looked at her confused when he saw her limping.

"What happened?" He asked. Cinderpaw sat done and Graystripe and Sandstorm looked at her with a mouthful of voles.

"I sprained it and Yellowfang said no training until it's healed. But I was able to carry the fresh-kill I got." Cinderpaw explained.

"Well at least you brought back the prey." He meowed. "You can go eat and rest."

"Thank you." She dipped her head to her mentor and took and mouse and carried it to the medicine cats' den.


Hey guys!!

Sorry for the boring chapter, I've been working on my other books.

Till next time...

Bye!!!!! :)

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