(M.W) Regret (1)

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Your POV

Mike Has Been Awfully Depressed!! I mean...The AV club Tried To cheer Him Up And Telling That Eleven Will Be Back, Even Will...

"Mike, Are You Okay?" Lucas asked mike While He kept looking At The Tent He made for eleven, "Do I look Okay?!" He snapped "H-He was Just Asking..." I stuttered "You're So Oblivious, Look at me!" He Yelled at me "C'mon Let's play!!" I smiled well, More like trying to smile, And The Guys Notice...

"You know (Y/N), I'd choose To Play With eleven More than You...You're So Clingy..." Mike Said, At This Point my eyes were Now All watery...

Will Looked at Me with sympathy...even Max, Lucas, And Dustin...

"I'd Give everything to trade You For eleven...I'd Replace YOU...Rather than El..!" He shouted, I just Sat there looking at him deeply..."Is that how You Really Feel?" I asked him "Of course I wouldn't have said That If I Didn't Feel Like it..." He snapped "I'm Such A Douchebag...." I cried I stand Up And Grabbed My Bag and my Jacket...

"If will hasn't Been found by now...I Probably Replaced You by now..." I cried and Ran Upstairs...

I got up And Looked Up and saw Mrs. Wheeler "Leaving so Soon (Y/N)?" She asked slight of Sympathy "Um...Yes, Bye Mrs. wheeler!!" I tried as she smiled...


Mike's Pov

It's Been Days...I haven't Seen (Y/N)! Ugh!! This is so Frustrating!!

I sat down with the AV club And Looked at Them, "Is (Y/N) Coming?" I asked "No!" Will snapped I looked at him Confused "What's Your Problem?" I asked Them...

"It's your Fault Why (Y/N) wouldn't attend school And The play!" Max shouted "Who?! Why me?!" I asked them "She Liked You For A Long time okay?!" Max Said "And You Shouted at Her That You'd Replace Her Rather than Eleven!!" Will shouted "What's wrong with you guys?" I asked them "(Y/N)'s Like a little sister to me mike, And We've Been Friends Since We first met...A-And You've Ruined it..." Dustin Said, While lucas, Max, And Will Looked at me...

"You're such a douchebag..." Will whispered Loud enough for us To Hear As he grabbed His Jacket and back Ready To Head to the door...

"Where are you going?" I asked him "Home..." He simply said and walked away...

(part 1)?? Sorry i haven't been Updating, It's Because We're on a road trip and there Is No signal!! But guys i'll promise you if we get back home I'mma Post 2 stories A Day!!

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