(F.W) Lovely faces (Pt. 2)

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~Next Day~

Finn's POV

"Nick, Can you give me a ride?" I asked my brother while I grabbed my bag from my room "Hop on." He said.

I thanked Nick and continued to walk to school which was obviously my school day routine but I was fine with it I guess "Yo. You finished homework?" Adrian asked(totally not random name :) ) "Of course duh." I laughed as we continued to walk to our classroom "Dang, I forgot my English book. Be right back" He said and turned to walk to the locker hall.

(Idk what its called because we don't have lockers here in the Philippines so comment what Its called)

Your POV

I walked to the library the first thing I did after my mother dropped me off, I walked to the english room and sighed and opened the door "I expected you to come, Here." My english teacher smiled and mentioned me to sit on the chair next to her, Oh! I forgot! her name is Mrs. Claire "Huh? Oh! Thank you!" I smiled and sat down next to her "Here, The username, Password, You can change every information if you want to. I'm giving it to you after all" She said and turned to the books "Okay, Thank you Mrs. Claire" I said and typed my name and password "No worries." She said.

I put down all the informations needed and also my username which was--
Username: @Anonymous00lp
"Oh dear, You better head to class. Make sure to log out so no one can hack it" She said and nudge me in the arm gently with a wink "I'll be back before 5:00!" I smiled and logged out my account making sure it won't be visible to others before running to my first period.


I sat down and made it in time before the teacher, I thought about making Finn Wolfhard secret letters, poems, and even messages but I couldn't 'cause maybe he'd think of me as a stalker or something so I never did but once Mrs. Claire gave me an account that was officially in the student council and was approved by the principal, I could now send him my poems, letters without him thinking of me as a creep because I have an account from school!

I dreamily sighed and grabbed a pen, and paper scratching down my poem notes as mr. Aaron who was our math teacher started the class.


Mr. Aaron finally left class and so did the 2 other teachers so it was lunch time!

I smiled at my poem and read it again making sure no words were misspelled or sounds cringy--

Dear Finn,

You don't know how lovely you are, you.
You with your cheeky half-smile,
the way you touch your hair with your soft finger tips and those brown eyes,
The eyes I look out of or hands I use, I hope one day you'll notice me too.
                                       Secret Admirer,

I smiled and got up walking to the cafeteria after looking for (R/N).

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