(F.W.) Lovely faces Pt. 1

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Dear Finn,

Looking at the sky is such a bliss, blue,orange, pink, green, whatever color there is to be you and me.

The clouds may block the sun but whenever you're here with me, all is fun, I see your pretty freckled face whenever I am down, that is why whenever I see you I feel like the world is turning upside down.

My tummy feels weird, was it because something I ate? or maybe when your eyes met mine and I feel like we were soulmate.

I see your lovely face, but when you look at me, do you see the same?
The world may not revolve around you or me but please, I hope you'll find someone better than me.

Secret Admirer,

Your POV

I sighed and put my pen down on my notebook and tied my hair in a messy bun, little tears ran down my cheeks as I wipe it down and smiled "Hey, (Y/N)...You okay?" (R/N) asked, We've been friends ever since she defended me against bullies from 4th grade because they made fun of my poems I made.

"I'm fine!" I laughed and smiled at her "What brings you here? Class isn't over yet" I asked and looked at the clock "My teacher isn't in our classroom and Yours isn't so what's the point in staying when I can go outside and do my bussiness" She laughed and patted my back a little too hard "Ow!" I exclaimed and hit her on the head "Ah! Sorry!" She laughed as we talked for a bit.

After a while she went back to her classroom because our teacher came in so she had to snuck out which was quite funny to me, I sighed and continued to write something on my book which were I write all of my poems.


The bell rang which was the sign of class dismissal so I grabbed my bag and went out and so did the others "Miss, (L/N)!" A voice called so I turned around and saw my english teacher who was also the librarian and the advisor of poem club, I walked over to her "Yes?" I asked "Is your book?" she asked and flipped through my notebook "A-Ah! Yes! Thank you--" I said quickly and grabbed my book and walked away but I was stopped "Poem for...Finn Wolfhard?" She asked, I blushed and nodded and turned to face her again "You should sign up for the poem club, You're poems are very astonishing!" She smiled and patted my shoulder "I have an account for poem writing that I don't use anymore, You could use that to write Finn Wolfhard the letters you've made!" She smiled "Huh?! Oh! T-Thank you!" I smiled and nodded "I Will!" I smiled as she started to walk away and waved "See you tomorrow in the Library!" She smiled and turned around.

I smiled and started to walk to my math classroom and was greated by mr. Aaron "Miss, (L/N)! Have a seat" He said and handed me some papers "You've been doing excellent on your math classes! I was wondering if you'd like to join the mathematics club? You'd meet new people there!" He asked "No thank you, I've planned that I'd join the poem club" I smiled as he nodded "You'd be pretty much a help for other students in math club but its your choice and I respect it, Thank you for your time ms. (L/N)" Mr, Aaron smiled as I excused myself and walked home.

I smiled and rode my bike home, I grabbed my phone and saw a message 'We'll be home late honey, There's food in the refrigerator. Put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes and clean the microwave, You'll put them soggy again, Love you!' I rolled my eyes and smiled knowing my parents are just doing their jobs to put food on the table and roof above our heads.


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