Anxiety (F.W)

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Finn's POV

"You should drink some water before you should go the stage" Nick said and patted my back "yeah, sure" I nodded and walked over to (Y/N) who was taking with Millie and Caleb "Babe! Can i get some water?" I asked her "Sure, Here" (Y/N) turned around and smiled while holding out the water "Oh! I heard that your new series is coming out!" Caleb smiled "yeah" I nodded "You nervous?" (Y/N) asked me while looking at me curiously "Yeah" I smiled awkwardly "Man, You'll be great!" Caleb said and hugged me while I hugged back.


I laughed with everyone and kept sneaking at the back of the stage to see if they're still there until I noticed my name being called "So Finn, How was it like to work with the cast?"

"Oh! It was great! People there was just friendly and nice" I smiled and kept playing with my thumb "I never thought I'd be friends with them in any other circumstances!" I said to the mic and looked at the people In front of me "Ah! Just nice people aren't they?"

"Oh! It was great! And being the role of player was awesome!" I replied, After the talk show (Idk) I quickly walked to the back of the stage and breath heavily "You'll be alright Finn, Just breathe" (Y/N) said and fanned me with some papers "Here, Drink water" Nick said and passed me a plastic bottle of water "You were great out there!" Nick continued and patted my back "Thanks" I said and held (Y/N)'s hand "You'll be alright." She smiled and played with my hair "How about I make you cookies when we get home?" (Y/N) smiled and peck my pouty lips "Ooh! Can we Join?" Millie said as soon as she heard the Cookie part "Sure!" (Y/N) smiled and stopped fanning me because one of the workers lend us a little fan.

"Thanks for being here, (Y/N)" I whispered to her "Aw~ Why you gotta be so cute?!" She giggled and hugged me and being the babu that I am (Lol) I hugged back.

The End!

Finn Wolfhard PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now