🧙Story of my life

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It's been over a year! I forgot that I have this Account...Oops---

Anyways, Its 1 in the fucking morning and I'm fucking tired so Imma tell a story.

So like I said we went to Manila and came back here In Cebu (Visayas) and like hell! A month without my tablet guys was hell! I couldn't eat and sleep because I do everything with that tablet like after I got it back...

ALL MY STUFFS WERE GONE!! My IbispaintX was gone and My wattpad (This account) My webtoon! Everything was gone! and the sad part was OUR WI-FI got CUT OFF!! Like I think 1 and a half month! I fucking lost my mind! My mom already called the People who was working on the Wi-fi but still! they'd visit us and fix our Wi-fi but then like an hour later...Its Fucking Gone!! I think he's playing harry potter magic on us!
He be like: Wingardium Leviosa Bitches! I'm going back to the moon!

After we got out wifi back I drew like almost everyday! I forgot about this account and wattpad and got stuck on webtoon and Youtube.

After Like who know how many months I was about to go to school when my mom told me not to because of CoRoNa ViRUs! Of course my lazy ass said: Man, go back to your bed.

Turns out there was no class the whole day until we got this fucking quarantine but that's okay! I'm a 14 year old Introverted girl who usually stayed at home, Eat and watch Netflix, Draw Traditionaly and Digitally, Usually makes bracelets, Necklaces, And cute skirts and shirts with high knee Socks which If you know Ibuki...Let's be friends!

anyways! My sister then said 'Kabasa naka ani?' "Oi! Basa mo na 'to?" (Hey! Have you read this?)

'Bisaya' "Tagalog" (English)

And then I turned to her and saw that she was reading Loved you since 1982 and I was like...(Bitch! I forgot wattpad!) so then I was like (Imma go back to being an author)

Imma Right Part 2 of Richie! Don't worry! (It was Suppose to be "The Game" but I Didn't know what It means so I was like..."ThE bOoK"

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