(M.W.) Chasing someone or a dream

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Your POV

Mike has been angry at the group for days after el's disappearance and it's not our fault the demog-- Whatever the thing is called took her especially towards me and well things hasn't been very good and he called mean things at us but we understood that but all I wanted to do and want was to make Mike notice me on and compliment me in the dress me and nancy picked for the house party!

Mike's POV

"Don't be stupid Dustin." I rolled my eyes while he ate his chocolate pudding "Its true! And besides the party is tomorrow night! There's no way (Y/N)'s coming!" Lucas said as i sighed.

"I'm coming! And also Nancy and I already picked a dress!" (Y/N) exclaimed "That's fucking gross." I said "You're gross. You're going too!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes "Fine, We're all going!" Lucas asaid to the party "You People should really stop playing D&D.." (Y/N) sighed and gave out on the couch "You should stop acting like a douch--" I stopped and looked at (Y/N) and sighed knowing she probably didn't heard me.

**The Party**

Your POV

I fixed my hair into a braid and my yellow dress that was above my middle thigh (Idk) and gave myself one last smiled in the mirror and walked outside to the party house.
As soon as I walked in I saw Dustin and Lucas "Hey Guys!" I smiled and they all looked at me with a smile "You looked Great!" The both complemented me while I complemented back "You are totally getting Mike's attention today!" Dustin wiggled his eyebrows "Hahaha! Stop joking Dustin" I laughed and walked to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Your dress is too short!" A voice shouted so I looked around and saw Mike "No. It's perfect!" I said and stood up "Every boy is staring at you!" He said "So? Wait-- First of all! How do I look?!" I asked excitedly and turned around, I stopped and looked at him glaring at me and his nose flared so my smiled disappeared and turned into a frown "I don't like in that dress, El looks more pretty in a pink dress than you also you look like a slu--"He snapped and stopped in the last part and stared at me "A what Mike?" I asked and glared at him "El's disappearance doesn't give you the right to just call me things!! You've been mad at the group for days!" I shouted at him but luckily the sounds was too loud for everybody to hear "What happened?" Dustin and Lucas appeared behind Mike "I don't know anymore! I've liked no- I've loved you for a long time Mike Wheeler and all you do is throw me out like a piece of trash and I don't know if I should be happy that you've already found someone you love too!" I shouted and wiped my tears away "El was a friend okay?! And Yeah I love her bu--" I stopped him "Ugh! I'm tired Mike! I can't take this anymore! It hurts! Everythings hurts! The way you look at her! The way you smiled! The way you cared for everything and everyone! You know why?! Because I know that one day! That everything won't be longing in my arms! I don't know If I'm ready to move on or not because I love you but at the same time it hurts!" I screamed "I'm done!" I shouted and looked down "I'm done." I said and there Mike Wheeler was standing in front of me while Dustin and Lucas ran towards me and comforted me "Its true Mike, She Love you, And you've been angry at us for days..." Lucas said "I know! I just feel so broken without El..." He whispered "That's how broken she is too!" Dustin shouted and turned around "Let's go home..." Dustin said and I nodded "Wait-- No!" Mike grabbed my arm and turned me around "I'm sorry! Okay! I'm sorry for not returning your feelings and I'm sorry I called you things! And I'm sorry for being mad at you all for no good reason!" Mike said and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Mike but I still have feelings for you so...Might as well get away from you emotionally as possible, We will still be friends" I smiled and patted him on the back "But tonight, I need to skip my first party so...See you tomorrow!" I sniffed and walked with Dustin heading home, away and away.

Mike's POV

"How did that happened?"

"You give up a few things, chasing a dream.."

"Was it worth it?"

"I'm hoping it is... I most surely am..."

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