Chapter 9

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Izzy had neither called nor texted Andre even though she wanted so badly to do one or both but she held on to the last of her self-control. She had expected to hear from him but had gone to bed lying awake waiting, only to fall asleep somewhere between thinking of the feelings he erupted in her and the smile on his face when she caught sight of him at the concert.

When she woke up, she was grumpy from wasting so much of last night staring at her phone but that quickly changed when she checked her phone. There was a message from him which brought a smile to her face. There was just an address and a time. She did tell him she would get back to him when she was free but with the night she had, he should have figured she'd be free today. Or maybe he just checked with Josie.

Her good mood changed again when she saw the time at the top of her phone. She frowned and checked the timing in the message again and back at the top of her phone. Her eyes widened.

"Shit!" She exclaimed as she jumped out of bed her covers getting tangled with her body. She fought with it for a second before she ran straight for her bathroom.

She had less than an hour. How was she supposed to prepare in that time? She was big on makeup and hair and clothes. She never left the house without her makeup on fleek and her hair either combed into perfection or with a wig on – she loved colorful wigs. Her clothes, well she usually spent half an hour debating what to wear but she didn't have time for all of that. She had to figure her shit out.

Izzy thought of how to do her routine in record time as she showered. She decided on a low-key makeup; no foundation, no lashes even though she was big on lashes. Hair was fixed, she couldn't not comb her hair to perfection with the kind of hair she had. As for her clothes, she had already decided on what to wear, something simple and comfortable. She didn't want him to think she was trying too hard, even though her racing heart said the opposite. She wanted him to like whatever she decided on but she couldn't let him know that.

Oh Damn! What the heck is wrong with her?

Izzy was dabbing on lipstick when her name was called.

When did she get home?

Izzy out on her most comfortable heels to match with her nude almost pink jumpsuit that stuck to her body like a second skin. She grabbed her purse and phone and went downstairs.

"Hey." She said when she saw Mia at the end of the stairs "When did you get back?"

"Late last night." Mia said as she tried to hide a smile but she knew her friend.

Izzy smiled as she joined her at the end of the stairs.
"Want to tell me what happened?"

Mia smiled
"I would but your date is here." Mia held her arms and turned her around only for her to come face to face with Andre.

Andre's gaze roamed her body with his eyebrow quirked and she caught sight of Josie in the living room behind Andre smiling at both of them. She looked back at Andre the same time his eyes lifted up from her tingling body to meet hers.

"H-hi." She stuttered which was so unlike her.

Andre's mouth curved upward into a smirk. His eyes had gone from cloudy to playful.
"Hey, beautiful."

Her lips parted an inch to let out a breath that didn't go unnoticed by Andre which made his smirk grow wider and also made him look sexier.

"Are you ready?"

Oh, I'm ready.
A seductive voice said in her head which made her frown then blink.

"Yes." She quickly said, "Let's go."

Andre held his hand in front of them as an after you motion which made her smile.

"Bye." She said to Mia and Josie before she walked in front of him.

"I'll bring her back unharmed." Andre said to the girls

"Oh, no need." Mia said, "You can bring her back sore; we have no preference."

"Or rather, don't bring her back." Josie said.

Izzy who heard this shook her head at her friends with a smile on her face as she and Andre stepped out of the apartment and to his car. She smiled at him when he got the door for her.

Such a gentleman.

On the way to wherever they were off to, she snuck glances at him. He hadn't said anything about last night and she wanted to know so badly why he was there.

She could see the smile forming on his lip on her fifth glance. And on the sixth, she was rewarded with him glancing back at her.

"Something on your mind?" He asked

"You know what."

Andre held back from grinning.
"No, I don't. I'm not a mind reader.

Izzy groaned and turned away from him. That sound made Andre swallow hard. She had no idea what she was doing to him with just a simple sound.

Izzy didn't say anything until they were seated at a restaurant for lunch. She had woken up so late, she missed breakfast and now she was famished.

"Tell me." Andre said after their order was taken.

She looked up at him knowing exactly what he meant.
"You were at the concert."

"I was."

"Why?" She wanted to know.

"Because you were performing." He said, "I wanted to see you in your element."

She felt something tingle inside her.
"But you've seen me dance before."

"Not like last night." He said, "Although, I much prefer dancing with you."

Izzy's mind went to the first night she met him at the club and the way she had danced with him. She had never danced like that with anyone before or by herself. Being around him made her want to dirty dance round him till he was ready to explode in his pants. She had no idea what this man was doing to her.

Andre smiled as he did nothing but watch her. They both knew the other was thinking of that night and it made Andre want to get her to do it again.

The food arrived and it allowed her to take a minute to breathe and calm her beating heart.

"Thank you." Andre said to the waiter before he left. Then he turned to her and looked right into her eyes like he could see her soul.

"We're going dancing later."

Thump Thump.
Her heart hammered in her chest.

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