Chapter 12

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Andre couldn't take it anymore. His sexy dirty dancer was doing unthinkable things to him.

"Come." He groaned into her ear and grabbed her hand before he walked off the dance floor.

He made a bee-line up the stairs and to the room. The second he pulled her inside, he slammed the door and pushed her up against it, lips finding hers greedily. He hooked his hand behind her leg and dragged it up to his side as he found the adjusted his crotch against hers. Izzy moaned into his mouth and he slid his tongue into her mouth. Taking. Drinking. Nibbling and Biting.

When he came up for air, they were both panting. Her hands fisted into his shirt as she trembled in his arms.

"See what you do to me." He said grinding his hips into her earning a soft moan from her. "You are something else Belle."

Her eyes opened to meet his and she pulled at his shirt gently and then stopping before pulling again, this time forcefully. Her lips met his and he didn't take over the kiss, he went with the pace she had set.

Slow, torturous, and hot.

"Dammit!" He pulled away. "You're killing me here, Belle."

"So are you." She said breathlessly

"If we don't leave now, I can't guarantee I'll be on my best behavior." He said "Your call."

Andre watched her, waiting for her answer.

It took her a moment to answer.
"Let's go." She said, "To your place." She looked away as she added.

He smiled and kissed her forehead before he stepped away from her. He went to pick her bag before he joined her at the door and they stepped out together.

Andre kept glancing at her the entire ride. He watched her watch the street while she fiddled with her fingers and he smiled.

A few minutes later Izzy turned to look at him with a frown.

"Why are we on my street?" She asked

"Because I'm taking you home." He said, eyes on the road.

"But I thought we were going to yours." She said

He looked at her.
"You said you wanted to go to mine."

Izzy stared at him, waiting.

Andre didn't say anything until he pulled up in front of her apartment. He turned the engine off and got out of the car. He was opening her door in a matter of seconds, helping her out. He pulled her into him, placing his fingers beneath her chin and raising her face to look at him.

"You weren't sure." He said, "I didn't want anything to happen until you are certain it's what you want."

Izzy sighed blinking up at him.

He smiled at how adorable she looked in the moment. She was beautiful, sexy, and everything goddamned thing. The thought of her at the club made him clench his jaw and before he lost his control and pulled her into his car and drove to his place, he placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled down at her.

"You sleep tight and dream of all the dirty things I would do to you soon." He whispered into her ear and the gasp he got from her was enough to know that is what she would dream of.

He pulled back letting go of her reluctantly.
"Get your sexy ass up there before I change my mind."

Izzy bit down on her lip and smiled at him before she walked past him and up the stairs, his eyes fixed in the swing of her hips.

"I've got the perfect lingerie for tonight." She called over her shoulder "See you in my dreams."

Andre fisted his hand and ground his feet to the pavement before he went after her and did something he wouldn't be able to take back.

He sighed.

Andre waited for her to shut the door before he got into his car and drove off. His phone beeped and he picked it up to see a message from Josie.

What happened? No late night sexcapades with her?
He read and smiled.

I thought you said you don't want to know what happens between us.
He texted.

You're right. I don't.
He read.
The thought of two of my friends may sound very romantic but the thought of you two doing the deed is just... bleh.

Andre laughed.
I'm going to enjoy teasing you when you meet your man.
He texted.

Good luck with that. You'll be old and grey, probably even dead.

Andre laughed with a shake of his head.
We'll see about that.

He opened a new message and texted the one woman who's always on his mind.
Sexy, Dirty dreams.
He texted.

Getting ready.
Her reply came and as he was about to put his phone down, another text came. He opened it and the message waiting for him made him bring the car to a screeching halt. The blares of horns hit him and he swerved to the side of the road and ignored the insults from passing drivers.

Andre inhaled a shaky breath as he stared at a picture of a red lace lingerie on her bed with a text: Imagine me in this, your hands on me. All dream and no reality.

You almost killed me.
He texted.
Sweetheart, all that dream is going to come true soon.

We'll see about that.
He read.

Andre put his phone away and sighed before he pulled out of the roadside and drove to the penthouse picturing his dirty dancer in nothing but a red lace lingerie.

Damn it!
He groaned when he realized his jeans were strained around his crotch.

He called Fred when he got inside his penthouse.

"You better have a reasonable explanation for calling me this late."

"Dude, it's just past midnight."

"That's your fucking reason?" Fred asked

"What crawled up your dick and died?" Andre asked with a laugh

"Fuck you Leon!" Fred said

"Dude, what's got you so worked up?" Andre was confused now

"Mia's boss is a fuckin' A." Fred spat "Dude couldn't keep his hands to himself."

Andre smiled.
"So, you're jealous."

"No man!" Fred said, "Why the fuck would I be jealous, we're not even dating or anything."

"Your point being?" Andre asked

"I can't be jealous."

"You can't or you're not?" Andre asked

Fred was quiet on the other line for a moment.
"Fuck you Leon!" He said before he hung up.

Andre pulled the phone from his ear and laughed.

Oh, his friend was even in more woman trouble than he was.
He found that comforting.

Speaking of women. He needed to take a shower while thinking of one.

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