Chapter 16

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It was a few days after she left Andre's apartment and Izzy hadn't been in contact with Andre. No calls, no texts, nothing. Her day was packed as it always was, but she had the evening to herself right after dance class. She had a couple of patients at the hospital which took most of her mornings then a home appointment with Mrs. Caster and that was where she was.

"That's it." Izzy said as she helped with her leg raises.

The appointment was at the Caster's house as Mr. Caster had wanted. He couldn't take his wife to the hospital because the car was out for repair and he didn't want to use a taxi because of his wife's condition, he didn't think it was the best choice.
Kelly sat on the chair as Izzy helped her with her leg raises, it took everything in her to keep up but she knew it had to be done. She needed to get back on her feet and help George around the house and with the store. She didn't like how he had taken up everything since the accident.

"So, how's that hunky man of yours?" Kelly asked Izzy trying to distract herself from the pain in her knee with every lift.

Izzy froze as a smile made its way to her face, she looked up at the old woman and shook her head before continuing with the exercises.

"He's not my man." Izzy said sighing.


Izzy chocked a laugh at Kelly's tone. "I don't know." She said truthfully. "He kissed me the other night and I haven't heard back from him since."

"Oh." Kelly said, "That's not like him."

"How would you know; you've only met him once?"

"First impression." She said, "He seemed sweet, not like someone who wouldn't call after being with an amazing girl like you."

"Yeah well, you can't trust first impressions."

"Have you tried calling him?" She asked, "Something important might have come up."

Izzy glanced at Kelly and wondered if she could be right. She really hadn't tried calling him but what could be so important that he couldn't call her just once. She already knew how men could be. Detaching themselves right after sleeping with women but in her case, right after a kiss. Was she that horrible at it? It had been a long time so, she wouldn't know.

"There's no point." Izzy said, "They're all the same."

"Now, don't you go blaming the entire male gender for something your ex or anyone has done, they're not all the same. There are still some good ones and I know your man is one of them."

Izzy smiled
"He's not my man Kelly."

"If he isn't now, he will be soon."

Izzy shook her head as she completed the exercise and went to have lunch with Josie.

"This place is so beautiful." Josie said for the second time since she and Izzy stepped into the restaurant.

"It is." Izzy smiled. "I come here when I have to unwind. It's calming, must be something to do with the décor."

"And the music," Josie added quickly. "It's definitely the music."

Izzy smiled at her friend.
"Bummer Mia couldn't come with us."

"I know." Josie said, "It's sad that she would be preparing for the bar exams in my final weeks of being here."

"You're leaving this month?" Izzy asked, surprised.

It had been amazing having her best friend back and she hadn't even thought that Josie had to go back.

"Yea." Josie said "My boss gave me two months because I haven't taken a day off since I started working there. He's going to need me before the two months are up, that's why I have to head back early."

Izzy said.
"Then we have to have another girl's night before you leave." She said "A night of Mia's choosing."

Josie smiled.

Their food came and they dug in. Josie's phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to take this?" She said to Izzy before she answered the call. "How is she doing?"

Izzy couldn't help but listen to the conversation as it sounded dire.

"Call me when she wakes up." She said before she hung up.

"What's the matter?" Izzy asked the second Josie placed her phone in her bag.

"Andre's sister had an accident two days ago and his mum was devastated. He had to travel back to be with them."

Izzy stared at Josie wide-eyed and speechless. Two days ago, that was how long Andre hadn't called her. She had been thinking the worst things about him when he was actually with his family. Kelly had been right.

"I thought..." She said, "I thought he was keeping away from me."

Josie smiled.
"After the dinner date you two had?" She asked. "That night you got back, he called me a few minutes before to tell me he was heading back, I thought you were there when he got the call."

"I wasn't." She said "And I thought the worst things. Dammit! How is Aubrey?"

"She's still unconscious but better." Josie said.

Izzy let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"Did he say what happened?"

"She was driving back home and this car slammed into her." Josie said, "It's terrible having to experience that or have someone you love experience that."

Izzy studied her friend but Josie's smile covered whatever was going on in her mind a Nano-second ago.
What was it Josie had experienced?

Izzy's mind had been far away since she got the news of Aubrey's accident yesterday. She hadn't been able to think about anything but Andre and how she had misjudged him. She felt guilty and was worried about Andre that she had to reschedule yesterday's dance class for today which was starting in a few minutes.

"...that's a one, two, three, four. Double step, hand slam, spot turn, pow." Izzy said as the class followed her lead behind her. "Got it?"

"Yes." "Yea." The class answered and some with nods.

"Good. Now from the top." Izzy said as she went to the back of the class and studied them.

Andre watched Izzy with a smile from the glass door. The sight of her was just what he needed. He couldn't wait to take her back to his place and spend the rest of the day with her, and maybe night.

Aubrey had woken up in the wee hours of the morning and she seemed better, even sounded like herself. He had managed to slip away after Aubrey had gone back to sleep right after she had spoken to Josie; like speaking to his best friend was a sleeping pill. He still wondered what magic Josie performed. His mum was much better when he left, she didn't have those worry lines anymore.

He had to get back because of the way he had left things with Izzy and he had to see her, needed to see her. He hadn't thought about anything when the news of the accident reached him. All he could do was get the plane ready for take-off and inform his best friends. His mind was on his sister and his mum the entire flight back home and he hadn't been able to think of anything else except them.
Fred and Josie had called to check up and that had reminded him of Izzy for a second but he couldn't call her and tell her about the situation, not the first thing you tell someone you like after kissing them for the first time.

He knew he had to get back and talk to her. Grovel if he had to for leaving things the way he had.

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