Chapter 17

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Andre watched until the entire class filed out of the studio leaving Izzy alone. He was about to make his way inside when he stopped himself and just watched her. She didn't seem ready to come out.

Izzy changed the song to a contemporary one and sighed when the hypnotic music filled the room. She got lost in the music and let it take her where it wanted to. She was no longer in control of her body; the music was and she wasn't going to do anything to break the bond. As the last tune of the music played, she was laid flat on the floor, eyes fixed on the ceiling. She shut her eyes for a few seconds and let her breathing get back to normal before she opened her eyes and instead of the ceiling, she met Andre's brown eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath as he smiled down at her.

"Hey, beautiful." He said as looked down at her.

Izzy was up in and standing right in front of him in no time at all.
"Wh-what are you doing here?"

Andre frowned.
"That's not the welcome I expected."

Izzy pinched her eyes shut on a sigh and opened them back.
"I'm sorry, I'm just surprised to see you that's all." She said.

He nodded.
"Yea, I'm sorry about that." He said, "The way I left things..."

"Andre." Izzy cut him off. "There's no need to apologize. Josie told me what happened and I'm so sorry, I-I feel so guilty about everything."

Andre was confused.
"Guilty?" He asked, "Why would you feel guilty, none of it was your fault."

Izzy just looked at him.
"I...I thought..." She sighed "Never mind. How's your sister?"

Andre narrowed his eyes at her. He wasn't done with that part of the conversation.
"She's better." He said on a sigh. "Gave my mum and I a scare but it wasn't critical as accidents go; just seeing her like that was scary. My mum is still with her, I left as soon as she went to sleep."

Izzy watched the emotions play on his face.
"How are you?" She asked almost scared to.

Andre looked at her and smiled.
"Better now that you're with me."

Izzy didn't expect it when he stepped closer and pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. It took her a few seconds to react as she put her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Andre frowned. He wasn't sure why she was but he took it anyway.
"It's ok."

Izzy sighed into his chest. She still felt bad for not checking up on him before and after she found out about the accident. She should have checked in after but she felt so guilty having had thought that he had left with no explanation.

"Spend the day with me?"

Izzy's smile was instant.
"Of course." She lifted her head to look at him. "Anything for you."

Andre's smile lit up his entire face and her smile widened.
"Anything?" He asked with a smirk. "Be careful with your use of words Belle."

Izzy's smile disappeared at what he was insinuating. Her gaze fell to his lips and when she lifted her gaze back to meet his, she sucked in a breath at the way it had darkened.

She immediately cleared her throat.
"Are you hungry?" She asked as she pulled back "Cause I'm hungry."

It took everything in Andre not to laugh, but she was the most confident woman he had ever met who also happened to be freaking adorable.

"I'm hungry." He answered.

Izzy swallowed as she took a moment to study him.
"For food?" She asked.

Andre couldn't hold back his laughter as it bubbled out of him.
"Yes Belle, for food."

Izzy's relieve was obvious.
"Alright." She said as she gathered her things. "Let's go."

They arrived at her apartment.
"Just give me half an hour." She said as soon as they stepped inside. "And make yourself comfortable." She said before she dashed up the stairs and left him to his devices.

Andre stepped away from the entryway and went to sit in the living room.

"Iz, is that you?" Mia's voice broke the silence.

"Yea, sorry if I disturbed you, I'll be out in a few." Izzy replied as she pulled off her dance clothes and dumped them into the laundry basket before she hopped into the shower and took a quick one, then throwing something on in record time. She fixed her hair, did her brows which was a necessity, slipped into her shoes, picked her purse, and joined Andre downstairs.

"I'm ready." She said as she took the last step down.

Andre was up and joining her in the entryway.
"You look good." He said as he studied her high waisted pants, halter crop top, and heels to complete the look "You always do."

Izzy smiled.
"Thank you."

He caressed her cheek with his thumb smiling at her.
"Let's go." He said as he took her hand in his and walked out of the apartment to his car.

Hey guys,

You're welcome for the constant updates. The next one will be on Monday. I think I'm gonna update every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, not sure, just saying.

Anyway, enjoy.


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