Chapter 15

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Andre looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you." She said as they arrived at the kitchen and handed over her dish to Andre when he held his hand out for it.

"You're welcome." He said as he cleared her plate and placed it with his into the dishwasher. "So..."

"So..." She said sitting on the edge of the slab near the sink and watching him watch her.

Andre couldn't take his eyes off her if he tried. She was beautiful in all the sense there was and he couldn't believe she was sitting in his kitchen in his hotel room. Andre reached out, unable to stop himself and touched her hair which fell across her face and down to her shoulder. It felt like silk in his hands.

Izzy's breath caught at his close proximity she hadn't noticed before until he touched her hair. When Andre's gaze shifted from her hair to meet her gaze, Izzy's gaze dropped. Andre's hand moved from the lock of hair between his fingers to her chin which he lifted until she was looking at him, his thumb caressed the corner of her mouth before he swept is across her bottom lip making Izzy's lip part as she dragged in a breath.

Quickly, she jerked her head away from his grip and pushed away from the slab.
"Uh, it's pretty late, I have to get going." She said as she made her way out of the kitchen with Andre following close behind with a smile. She was close to the door when she realized she hadn't taken her bag. "I forgot my bag." She turned around to head back into the living room only to bump into Andre who caught her before she stumbled backward.

It took a second for her to regain her balance and as she opened her mouth to apologize, Andre leaned in and placed his lips on hers, kissing her slowly and softly. Izzy didn't know when she began to return the kiss but soon enough her hands were on his shoulders pulling him to deepen the kiss which had turned hard but still slow, slow enough that she ached for more. His tongue and hers danced in the slow agonizing sweetness of the kiss and her body meshed with his as he walked them to the nearest surface which happened to be the door. The second Izzy's back touched the door, Andre grabbed her wrist and pressed them above her against the door holding them there with one hand while the other went to her hip and squeezed before it slid to her ass.

They finally pulled away when their lungs were crying out for oxygen. Sucking in a sharp breath, eyes closed, foreheads touching, they calmed their erratic breathing before Andre pulled away and went to the living room to get her bag. Izzy watched him as he approached her with a smile. Andre buried his head into her neck and kiss her on her pulse making her smile.

"You should leave before I decide to pick you up and take you to my room." He said huskily.

"Oh." Izzy said, "Now you're telling me to leave."

"You can stay if you want." He said still trailing kisses down her neck "But you know where we'll end up." He pulled back to study her.

Izzy had her hands around his neck as she watched him for a moment.
"I better go."

Andre's lips curved at the corner before he leaned into her and placed a kiss on her forehead. He reached behind her and turned the knob before he pulled her with him and opened the door.
"I'll walk you."

They walked hand in hand towards the elevator. Andre pushed the button before he leaned against the wall and watched her. Izzy looked from the elevator to him and smiled. Andre sighed pulling her to him.

"You're so beautiful." He said as he brushed her hair behind her shoulder.

Izzy had never met someone who could make her blush but looks like the cycle was broken.

The elevator dinged open and she pulled away from him.
"I'll see you..."

"...soon." He said kissing her cheek before she stepped into the elevator and pushed the button.

Izzy looked at him one last time and smiled.

"Bye," Andre said as the elevator shut close.

He stayed there for a moment before he went back to his penthouse whistling.

Izzy made it out of the building and sighed. The valet got her car for her as she stared into the night sky. Her phone rang in her bag and she took it out and answered the call.

"Yes, Fatima?" She answered.

"Hey B, us girls are meeting up at that club that opened up a week ago." Her friend said. "Want in?"

Us girls meant the dancers in their clique.

Izzy checked the time again. It wasn't too late.
"Sure." She said, "I'll be there in ten."

"Ok." Fatima hung up just in time for the valet to step out of her car.

She tipped him before she got in and drove off to the club.

Exactly ten minutes later, Izzy made her way through the crowd and search around for her friends. She heard someone yell her name and she looked to see where the sound came from and found them. She made her way to them.
"Hey, girls, what's the occasion?" She said as they scooted over to make room for her.

"Just checking out a new place that's all." One of the six girls – Michelle - said.

"Oh c'mon." Fatima said, "Michelle's man popped the question yesterday."

Izzy snapped her gaze to Michelle with a smile

Michelle smiled as she held up her hand with her ring sparkling in the club lighting.

"Damn girl! You snagged a good one." Izzy said as she hugged her girl.

Everyone in the group knew how amazing Michelle's man was. He was always dropping by during rehearsal to give her flowers or her favorite drink or bring food for the group. He was always there for all her performances and the two of them were so in love it was disgusting.

"I did good, didn't I?" Michelle asked.

"Duh." The girls said.

"Now let's go celebrate." Fatima said as the girls cheered and made their way to the dance floor.

Hey guys,

Another update. Thanks to all of you for reading and voting. Don't forget to comment on your thoughts and anything relating to the book. I'd love to know what you guys think.

My training started but I'll keep the updates coming. I'm just as excited to know what will happen next cause I don't know until I've written the next chapter; I'm a Pantser, not a plotter.

So, I've already gotten started on the next chapter which will be up when I'm done.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Thank you,

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