Chapter 24

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After the few hectic days of constant rehearsals, the second day of the five-day show finally came. The show was put together by a few entertainment channels and top dancers in Leicester where all the dancers in the United Kingdom could come together and showcase what they got. There were no judges; just celebrity host – Mario Lopez, the dancers, and the audience.

Izzy had two performances, one with the group and one solo. The itinerary listed all the performances for each day that were going to be in the show and what part of the UK they were from. Izzy and the girls had their performances that day and they were all so excited. Each of the girls and the guys had posted the show on their social media pages and they all had a huge following, so there was no doubt that a number of people from the audience came to see them.

The last performance just ended and Mario was on stage addressing the audience.
"Our next performance is a group most of us know about..." Mario began.

"Alright, we're up next," Fatima said. "Don't think."

"Just do it." The rest of the group said.

"Presenting your top dancers from N.W.E." Mario said as he left the stage and the dancers jogged to the stage.

Izzy had performed at concerts and she had seen a huge crowd before but this was more. The place was packed and it was due to the fact they every dancer performing had hyped the show on their social media accounts and the entertainment channels had broadcasted it every single day before the show and now all those channels were live from Leicester's King Power Stadium. Huge screens were placed at different locations for the audience at the back and it solely focused on the stage.

The music started and Izzy blocked everything out, she danced because she loved it and not for the people but thanks to them, she was making a career out of it. Izzy and the rest of the group took center stage and did the thing, the crowd going wild at every move.

Andre watched the large screen on the left side of the stage which had been made a VIP section. He would have gotten a normal pass to experience things normally, but with the person he had invited, he had to get a VIP pass for both of them. The VIP section had a few people related to the dancers; he knew that because one of the girls couldn't stop yelling 'that's my sister'. The rest were high profile fans, some faces he knew, others, he wasn't so sure.

Andre heard the commotion behind him and he looked up to find people muttering as his guest made her way down towards him. Andre smiled and stepped to the side so she could spot him.

"Hi." She smiled. "You're Andre, right?"

"I am." He reached out to shake her. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Well, when one of my closest friends asked me for a favor, I couldn't say no."

"Well, I'm glad he was able to convince you." He said as he led her to the seat which had been reserved for them.

"How do you know Mark?" She asked as she sat down, as did he.

"College." He said "He was in my class and we became friends because he needed someone to help him understand computers. I realized he wasn't really interested in the course and convinced him to go for what he truly wanted."

"And he dropped out and went to dance school." She finished. "Well, I can see why he's so fond of you. He wouldn't be a huge choreographer now if he hadn't met you."

"No, he would have figured it out later and made the same decision anyway."

"Maybe but it might have been late."

Andre didn't say anything.

"So, why are we here?" She asked

Andre smiled.
"There's a dancer performing whom I think might interest you and I know you don't usually go in search of dancers but I really think you need to see her."

She nodded and turned to watch the screen.
"Which one is she?"

Andre shook his head smiling.
"I think I'll let you decide."

Izzy and the group were rounding up their performance but Izzy had to stay back for her own solo performance. Most of the dancers in the group had solo performances and they would be coming in after her.

Andre watched from his seat as Izzy took over the stage and had the audience going wild. He looked beside him and watched the expression on his guest's face which was no use because she had none, which made her a good judge that she was on a couple of talent and dance shows she was on.

Andre looked back at the screen and couldn't help smiling. Izzy was fire, she danced with everything she had; her body, mind, and soul was in each move which made it all the more beautiful to watch. She had her own signature moves which she implemented in the way she danced but for today's performance, she had put a few of her idol's moves who was the inspiration behind the performance.

Andre's gaze shifted from the screen to the stage and fixed on Izzy. She was far away but he could still make her out, he focused back on the screen and as the song came to an end, she hit her last move with a...what's that word choreographers use?


She hit her last move with a pow and the crowd went wild. Izzy smiled and waved before she walked off stage and the next dancer from her group took center stage. A few minutes and his phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and saw a message from Izzy.

Parking lot.
Her text said.

Be there.
He sent a quick text then got up.
"I would like you to meet someone."

She got up and smiled.
"It's her, isn't it?"

Andre smiled.
He was glad she spotted Izzy from all the dancers in the group. But most of all, he was glad she had seen Izzy's solo performance because she was the inspiration behind Izzy's performance.

"Ready?" He asked her.

"After you." She said and he led the way out of the stadium and to the parking lot where his sexy dancer waited for him having no idea about what awaited her.

Hey guys,

So my laptop just shut down, good thing I wrote this last night and saved it on here. But I don't think I'll be able to get it repaired for a couple of days or more.

So, no more updates till further notice, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it. Looking forward to writing the next chapter and Izzy's reaction to Andre's surprise.

I'm pretty sure everyone can guess what the surprise is, or rather who the surprise is.

Thanks for reading this far,

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