Chapter 30

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"Mia," She called. "You've got mail."

Mia had been waiting a few days too long since the bar exam results came out. Mia had been anxious for the past few days. Izzy had been worried about her and she would have taken her out to get her mind off of it but she had been busy with dance rehearsals and more rehearsals.

"Is it...?"

"Yea." Izzy replied before Mia could finish.

Mia's shoulder sagged in relief but then straightened again as Izzy handed her result to her. Mia took it from her and just stared at the envelope for a moment.

"Do you want me to stay back and open it with you?"

Mia looked at her.
"No, no." She said. "You have to leave for dance rehearsals now else you're going to be late."

Izzy studied her.
"Are you sure?"

Mia nodded.
"I need to do this on my own."

"If you're sure then." Izzy said before she placed a kiss on her forehead before she walked out the door and left Mia alone with the answer to her future.

Izzy's mind was occupied with thoughts of Mia and Andre during rehearsals, Laurieann had called her out more times than before to get her head into it. When she finally did, rehearsals were over and she couldn't wait to get home and find out what Mia's results were.

"Mia?" Izzy called as soon as she stepped inside their apartment. "Mia?" Izzy dumped her bag on the nearest couch and made her way up the stairs to Mia's room.

Izzy walked inside to find Mia seated at her reading table, elbow braced on the table, and head in her hand.


Izzy walked towards her and sat on the edge of the table and just waited. When Mia raised her head up to look at her, Izzy frowned with a sigh. Mia swallowed and shook her head.

"One year of constant practice and one month of vigorous studying and this is what I get?" Mia asked in a voice that killed something in Izzy. "Just one mark less. That is even more painful than having to fail by a few marks."

"It's going to be alright." Izzy said.

Mia sighed and then the tears she had been holding back throughout the entire day came pouring down. Izzy leaned down and hugged her.
"You're going to be ok," Izzy said. "This isn't the end."

Mia nodded.
"I know. It's just, I worked so hard to clear it once and for all and this."

"I know how hard you worked but everything happens for a reason."

Mia pulled back and looked at her.
"Maybe you're right."

Izzy frowned when Mia wiped her tears.
"I am?"

"Yea." Mia nodded. "My parents are with Aunt Margie and she's been telling me to come to stay with her for a while now. I think I'll go there and just...clear my head and just think."

Izzy's eyes went wide.
"But your Aunt Margie lives in Chicago."

Mia nodded.
"I need to do this. I just need to be away for a while."

Izzy sighed.
"If this is what you want then I won't stop you. But I think you should think about it for a while, you're making a spontaneous decision and that isn't good with the way you're feeling right now."

Mia nodded.
"I'll think about it tomorrow."

Izzy nodded.
"Have you had dinner?"

Mia looked at her and shook her head.

Izzy raised her brow.

Mia shook her head.


"No," Mia said. "I wasn't hungry."

"You have to eat something."

Mia groaned
"I'm really tired." She said. "Just order pizza or something. If I wake up hungry at night, I'll eat it."

Izzy sighed and nodded.
"Ok, go to bed now. Stop thinking."

Mia got up and walked right into bed while Izzy tucked her in before she walked downstairs.

Izzy said she was going to think about it but Izzy had a feeling Mia's mind was made. She knew that was the best thing for her at the moment but she Was being selfish for wanting her to stay back.

Izzy picked up her phone and ordered a pizza with Mia's favorite toppings. She was beat but had some when it was delivered and put the rest in the fridge for Mia.

Her phone pinged with a message as she got ready for bed. It was a message from Andre.

I know you're tired but I just want you to know I love you.

Izzy stared at the message with droopy eyes and a smile on her face. She was flat on the bed and she was going to reply but then she wanted to close her eyes for just a few moments.

Few moments turned to hours and then when she woke up, she was in a rush to get to rehearsals and had forgotten about the message. She checked in on Mia who had the pizza carton opened and empty on her bedroom floor with her favorite beer. Izzy smiled and was out the door just like that.

What was her life turning into?

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