Try Hard (Lashton AU)

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A/N This story takes place in an alternate universe where Luke and Ashton are both in their 2nd year of Highschool in America. They are sophmores.

Also, just because I am writing a gay fanfiction about Luke and Ashton does not mean I think they are actually together. This is a made up story in an alternate universe.

Third, there might be some smut, I'm awful at writing smut, but I might try. And this story will not be depressing and there won't be any triggers, I think.

And lastly, there may or may not be any Malum, don't complain. There will most likely not be any One Direction. I may use them for minor characters but they probably will not be major characters.

Okay, enjoy!:-)

Try Hard (Lashton AU)Where stories live. Discover now