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   Today? Totally awesome! I crushed Dustin at  that stupid dance game and what the best part was is that Mike (yes the Mike that I was going to ignore) cheered on for me! ME I SAY ME!! Then on our way back home you know after dropping off El, Mike brought me home, said he wanted me to be safe but I think he just wanted some time with me and I'm not complaining either and he didn't even drop me off either! He went inside and we spent some more time on my floor. He left when he was forced to leave. His mom called and I really hoped she wouldn't but she did at around 10 so Jonathan brought him home. It was really nice honestly. He's never done that until tonight of course. I feel amazing.

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  Scratch that I GOT SICK THE VERY NEXT MORNING! I'm so angry! I could have biked with my friends today but instead I'm in bed, doing nothing but gagging and sleeping (Well now I'm writing) but that's only because I feel a little better. Jonathan had told me that the others tried to contact me but he didn't want me to wake up. I really did want to hear Mike's sweet voice but then again I didn't want him to get sick because of my selfish acts so I'll bear with this until I get better but when I am better, I'm going to be all over him. I just know it.

    The days passed and slowly
, but surely, I got better and went to school on a Thursday. Mike had talked to me the night before and had invited me over to watch a few movies with him. I obviously agreed so I shoved my notebook in my bag, a comic and a few other things.
   "Bye kid! See you later!" Jonathan yelled at the doorway. I got on my bike and waved.
  "Bye!" And I was off to meet up with the others. Lucas came into view first then Mike, Dustin and finally Max and el.
  "Hey!" I yelled, a big smile plastered on my face. Mike was the first one to turn, a smile crept onto his lips then the others welcomed me.
  "With all that time sick, you really couldn't fix your hair?" Max asked as she flicked the hair that stood up.
  "I thought this would be good enough, ya like?" I asked as I posed. Max laughed. "Please stop" Dustin chuckled.
  We rode off to school and the day carried on as usual except I had all of Mike's attention.

   ****Mike's P.O.V****

    "It felt awful! I constantly wanted to barf" Will explained. We turned on my street. "You should have told me! I could have came over and been there to help" I turned to him. "I told you I'm here whenever you need me" He smiled at this. "Yeah I know" he answered. We dropped our bikes on the yard and went straight to the basement. He pulled out all the things he'd brought and then kicked his bag to the side. I heard a small  thump but paid no attention to it as he pushed a comic infront of me.
   "New. My mom actually got it!" Will scooted next to me and flipped the pages infront of me. We both inhaled and sighed. "That smell will never get old" I said. He chuckled. "I know! I could live with that smell. The smell of new comic" He smiled, obviously excited to read it with me so we leaned our backs against the couch and read it together.


Most of our time was spent talking and the other was coming up with ideas whether it be drawing or for the next D&D meet so by the time Will had to go, we had pages all over the floor. Will picked up most of his things but left all the pages here only because I told him too.
   "Tomorrow we'll continue this" I said as we ran up the stairs. "Definitely" He said and ran to Jonathan who stood by the doorway, talking to Nancy. "Bye!"Nancy and I said. He left and so was I with the mess we had created. I gathered up the pages  and put them in a neat pile and placed them on the table. I sat on the floor for a bit and took everything in. Will and I were back on good terms but El was starting to question me more often. I stood in the basement for a bit before walking forward. My foot kick something unde the couch. I sighed and got down to retrieve whatever I had kicked. A small black notebook was soon in my hands and the first thought I had was
  "Will must have left his drawing notebook here"  I decided to look through it. "Oh..not drawing. Maybe some stories?" I sat on the couch and flipped to the first page

    They said if I wrote in here, I'd feel better so let's start off with something like oh I don't know, I just got un-possessed by the mindflayer and Mike was with me the whole time but honestly I can barely remember any of it. The only part I remember is Mike's eyes on me. Those pretty brown eyes that have totally taken over any rational decision I ever had. The eyes I have known for so long and loved years ago and how idiotic would it sound if I told him that? Yeah, sure, as if. I'm the fool here. The fool who fell for my bestfriend, the one who trusts me with nearly everything, the one who loves someone else. Am I okay? No. I'm going crazy just from hanging out with him because of all these thoughts and feelings I hide from him. It's tearing me apart and I don't know what to do. I hate to act one way around him and then another when he's far, far away from me.


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