Chapter 4

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Gavin wasn't too happy with us. Lucas explained what we had discovered in the dreamworld, but Gavin only shook his head.

"I've never heard of it." He paused briefly. "I don't understand what you mean. Is this gem even real. What if it's only found in the Dreamworld?"

I frowned, thinking about the pain it had caused me but my mind stopped, thinking about my mom. "Mom!" I called as I ran out of the house and back to the houses.

Laying on one of the couches, she groaned moving an ice pack on her head.

"Oh, Ellie darling." She breathed as Dr. Kevin entered silently. His eyes darkened when he saw me as if he was expecting another eye on my face. "Kevin is taking care of me."

No surprise, l thought grimly. I shudders inwardly looking at mom.

"Where's Sam?"

"She's at Ethan's house." My eyes widened, forgetting that she wanted the whole group with them as they 'celebrated' their almost 1 month anniversary. I groaned inwardly, not wanting to go over and share their love with them. For all I knew, they were doing it.

"Well, ok..." I pushed it aside and went out to my car. I was frustrated with my life and how I'd been feeling. It had been a punch in the gut. "Come on, Sam." I said quietly as I drove to Ethan's house and pulled into their driveway. As I stopped the engine, I felt eyes were on me. My body shivered as I looked behind me in the backseat finding no one there; just an empty back seat. I got out of my seat and was knocked the door, hastily waiting for Ethan and/or Sam to answer it. Instead, I got Kayden wearing his blue color pj's.

"Oh, hey Ellie. What's up?" He yawned as he finished his sentence as Mike joined him. He gave me a smile, happy to see me. At least I was welcomed. Ethan's brothers were both 21 but they looked totally different. Mike had blonde hair like Ethan while Kayden had light brown hair.

"Im actually looking for Ethan." I said smoothly, playing with the tips of my black hair. Inside, I was freaking out on how they would react. After all, they were very immature even though they were in college getting opposite degrees at Trista Community College which anyone can get into.

"Oh," Started Kayden, looking at his brother then back to me. "There at a movie with Collin." My heart sank down to my stomach.

"Yeah at Westgate movies for the 1:40 showing of-." I raced to the car, not letting Mike finish his sentence. The movie theater was less then 10 minutes from his neighborhood. My mind raced in different directions as I saw them walk up to the movie theater. Sneakily, I travelled behind them as Collin stopped, forcing me to hide. He sensed me and I knew it.

"What is it, Collin?" Sam asked, squeezing Ethan's hand. Ethan looked just as concerned.

Collin tilted his head, as if thinking about his next move. "I-I forgot my phone in the car." Ethan forked over the car keys.

"Ok, man. We'll be in theater 15 for Fairy tale: The Beginning. " They walked into the together, side-by-side

I held in my breath, watching as Collin turned around on his heel, staring into my direction that I was in. His fist clenched, the color of his eyes changing black as night. I gulped as I stayed behind my car, trying to concreted on not being there. He stops briefly before walking towards me, a sudden burst of energy knocking me down.

I groaned, laying there on my back looking up to Collin. His eyes were pure evil and death. "What do you want?" I shifted myself so I was sitting up, staring up at him.

He smiles, crossing his arm over his chest. "You remember what I told you?" Superiority rises within him. "Oh, come on little Demon. I know you can guess it."

Deadly Desires (Book 2 of the Immortal Calls series) {ON HOLD} Where stories live. Discover now