Chapter 6

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I reluctantly left, watching as Lucas made his way back to his own house. (Only two doors down)"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted as Sam entered in behind me. Mom came out of the kitchen.

"Well, now that we are all together; I thinks it's time I have had my bachelor party!" She swung her arms in the air happily with a wide smile on her face.

I glanced at Sam who had a confused expression.

"Mom..." She started as looked over at me.

"I was just joking." Mom added as she put her hands back down. "Now, Kevin has arranged that both of you get your bridesmaid gowns. I had already picked out mine. " she explained.

"The wedding isn't for another 3 weeks." I chimed in, as silence filled us. "Mom...I'm sorry but I don't want to be apart of this wedding. Not if Dr. Kevin is going to ruin my life." I put power in my voice but failed. Halfway through, my voice cracked.

Sam mouth formed an 'O' as she heard my respond.


"No! If you want that evil man wrecking havoc on our family then it's clear you have forgotten about dad. He bound us together and now your throwing him away." I growled. When I heard myself, I instantly regretted what I said. Something inside of me wanted free.

"Get out of here, child!" Mom scolded as her palm connected with my cheek in such force. I held my cheek as she pulled away, tears threatened to fall out of my eyes.

Sam gave me a long look but I raced out of the door and to Lucas' house. It was The Darkness. I knew it was because it crept and rolled inside of me like a lion to get out the cage.

"Lucas." I sobbed as I rapped on the door.

As the door opened, I saw crystal blue eyes find mine. In one moment, he embraced me, leading me inside of the house. I had trouble of what to say next. Telling him I had the Darkness was out of the question but the anger was an obvious reflex of becoming a Demon and having The Darkness wallow in me.

"Are you ok? You want to spend the night?" I nodded as I buried my head in his chest. "Shh." He tried to reassure me as he stroked my back softly. "It's ok, Ellie. You can go to school with me. " he said hushed as he picked me up and walked upstairs. Suddenly, a soft bed caressed my back.

"Lucas...please don't go." I pleaded as he squeezed my hand. I could feel his emotions bounce energetically inside of him. He felt sorry for me and was pained seeing me like this. I could tell with just the feel of his soft, warm hand.

Lucas paused slightly then got into the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me like a cocoon. I trembled in his arms as he whispered soothing words in my ears. My head rested buried on his chest as I waited for my heart rate to slow down.

Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me.


I woke up in a dark place,somewhere different and musty. The walls were concrete and dusty as I felt them with the palm of my hands.

"Hello?" I shouted as bits of light entered the room.

Dr. Kevin appeared with a wide smirk on his face. His hands were clasped together, as he came across from me, his hands lingering on the silver bars that blocked between us.

"Well, if it isn't Elizabeth. I'm sure you are comfortable. " He grinned, winking. "Everything has gone so well for us. It has seem I have one this battle."

"What battle?" I scoffed as I tried to move my hands. Distinctly, I heard the clinking of chains rattle me. My heart rate sped up. Another symptom of my Anxiety.

Deadly Desires (Book 2 of the Immortal Calls series) {ON HOLD} Where stories live. Discover now