Enter the Sandman

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As he stood there on the hill, he pondered to himself. "Those who do not appreciate the ones who give in the most heroic acts are nothing but trash. But those who hate the ones that hate their heroic acts... are possibly worse than trash. It is a well known fact that we cannot judge others because they judge us. We continue to treat them with kindness and warm blessings... while they continue to treat us with hate and cold shoulders. Are Elemental users well loved... or well hated? We shall find out soon enough..."

January 5, 2028: "The elemental academy. This is where all the losers come to train! You all have your own reasons for being here. This! Is where it all begins. Now! Allow me to give you a tutorial around."

The bald man wearing a grey overcoat, with some kind of shiny black armor under it, is our sergeant and our drill sergeant. He knows how to teach the basics of elemental control better than anyone else.

My name is Kiruh Black. I do not know anything about my past, or my legacy. I only I know that I somehow survived in this world to live to this day. But I digress, let me explain the situation here a little.

I've just arrived at the Elemental Academy. I've come here, with the only dream i've ever had. And that is to become the best elemental user of all time. It might be asking for too much but that is my dream. Oh! But I haven't explained what an elemental user is have I? Well allow me to explain.

An elemental user is a person with special abilities. They have abilities to control a specific element of the world. This includes Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning. Each person has one specific element inside of them, which they can use to defeat their opponents. But each element has their own weaknesses of course.

Fire is stronger than Wind, But weak to Water. Wind is stronger than Lightning, but weak to Fire. Lightning is Stronger to Water, but weak to Wind. Earth is balanced to all Elements, and Water is Strong to Fire, but weak to Lightning.

"PRIVATE! Do you read me!?" the Sergeant screamed in my face. Me, with a sudden shock, only replied, "Now why are you screaming at me?"

The sergeant replied, angrily, "Boy, anymore of your games and i'll kick you out before we even begin. You need to follow along with us! Stop daydreaming and follow along with the group!"

The sergeant turns away and steps his feet side to side. Then he marches ahead of the group. While in the front he screams out, "Now follow me you little pansy wankers! We shall begin the tutorial of this here establishment."

We all started walking in a perfectly straight line. The sergeant stops in front of this huge hallway, full of sideway open rooms with wooden targets in them.

"This, is the Academy's main hallway! This is where all you little pansys will be doing your training! As you can see, there are many Elemental users training to become the top number one right now."

The sergeant turns around and mumbles to himself, thinking no one can hear him, "What a foolish dream." He turns back around and starts to scream again, "Now take a look around you!" He points towards the left side of the Hall way, closest to us. "Over there is where you all will go to sign up for a training session, when not in a class! We will not let you in otherwise, due to some security problems we've had in the past."

One kid, maybe about 13 years old, raises his hand and says with a nerdy voice, "You mean people have tried to rob this place?"

The Sergeant replies "Oh no! People have tried to rob AND kill everyone in sight in this place! But don't worry. Security has this place locked down tight since that incident."

The kid replies back "But what happened back then?"

The sergeant only turns around and ignores the subject. He tells us to come along with him. We stop at a certain booth, which has one muscular guy doing extreme lightning techniques.

The man has short white hair, somewhat spiky, which was pushed backwards. He has very light blue eyes and is wearing a tight black shirt with baggy green camouflage pants. He charges up a huge grasp of lightning with his muscular hands and arms, then with an extreme burst of speed, he suddenly appears in front of the wooden target.

He hits the target with the lightning, and for a brief second, nothing happens. But then he screams "Voltage Punch!" And suddenly a huge burst of lightning bursts from his hands. It was so bright no one could even get a glimpse of what the attack was like. Only the sergeant was looking, with a small grin.

When we can finally look again, there is nothing there. The target is completely gone. The only thing left in the booth are the walls... sort of... and some small fragments of fire on the ground. The ground where he was standing is completely black. Everyone is completely awed at how well this man can control his lightning attacks.

The sergeant turns to us and says, "Maggots! This here, Is the best lightning element user here at the academy. That was only a small fragment of his abilities!" He turns back to the muscular man and says to him, "We're doing the tutorial thing again! Come back this way for a minute son!"

I blink. Next thing I know the muscular man is right beside the Sergeant. His speed and strength are amazing.

The muscular man then says, with a deep broad voice, "The name's Mikkai Flank. I'm sure your sergeant has explained just who I am. But even though I may be the strongest lightning user at the academy, unfortunately, I am not the best elemental user at the academy."

Everyone in our line starts to silently whisper. I hear a few people whisper to their friends "He's not the greatest? He blew that wall apart without even touching it, and he's not even the strongest?"

This makes me ponder about which element I would turn out to be. I'm hoping for lightning, after seeing this man's power.

Mikkai looks at all of us. He suddenly stops, and stares at me. I only stare back. Mikkai Turns to the sergeant and whispers in his ear. Since I have better hearing than most people, I can hear every word, as clear as a bell.

Mikkai asks the sergeant, "Is that the kid's son?" The sergeant replies, "Yes it is Sir. It is probably dangerous to let him train here at the academy. We will need to give him special attention."

I pretend I don't hear them and start looking around the hall. The sergeant turns around and yells, "Okay maggots! We are done here! Get your awes out and Stop screwing around! Let's continue with the tutorial."

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