(Patch)First Blood

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"Have I mentioned how much I hate politics, also can you hear me okay." Nick said as he walks through the huge crowd of mammals.

"Yes Nick I can hear you the mics are working fine, and yes you've mentioned your hatred of politics...for the TENTH time today." Judy said in a annoying tone.

"Haha, ...sorry about that fluff. How's that 9 mm feeling equip to your hip."

"Well you know I know we were trained to use lethal firearms but having one strapped to my hip...it's a...lot of weight, and I mean that mentally."

"Well that's natural carrots especially with our line of work. But if it helps protocol states that before lethal firearm we are to use our tranquilizers and stun guns."

"It should but the thought of me one day having to end someone's life."

"Well carrots I can understand what you're feeling, but we've got to stay focused I can see your ears dropping back here in the nose bleeds."

"Yeah, well can you blame me besides this extra weight on my mind this cross-question debate is not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong knowing the opinions of the next mayor of Zootopia is a good thing."

"Well we do have some extraordinary animals running for mayor. Cornelius George a polar bear age 43 resides in Tundratown."

"Next to him Tom Lumpus a moose age 58 resides in the Sahara square."

"What kind of name is Lumpus." Nick said as he looks through the crowd for anything suspicious.

"Oh, I don't know Nick what kind of name is Piberius." Judy said with a smug look.

"Hey....you make...a very good point."

"Hey slick...far end of the crowd I got eyes on two bears and a timber wolf whom my I add is wearing a trench coat."

"If we were in the Sahara square that would call for extreme suspicion but this is down town Zootopia. I'll check it out though." As Nick made his why to the far end of the crowd he takes notice of the two bear's. "Um whiskers I see the bear's but I don't see your timber wolf."

"Well I don't like that. The color of his coat is black in case you spot him."


"Joe there he is." Eddie said as he nudged his brother.

"I see him." Joe said as he pulled out a standard flip phone. "Hey Romeo are you in position yet."

"Just about there Joe, I had my gear set up beforehand, so I'll be ready by the time I get to the roof."

"Copy that...oh by the way when all this starts you'll have company up there."

"I'm well aware of Nicholas Wilde that's part of the plan for him to catch me in the act and I take him out."

"Yeah, about that the plan doesn't change but our client Jack savage what's to do the deed himself so by the time you get to the roof-"

"He'll be standing in front of me. Okay I get the picture Joe you guys should clear out soon."

As Joe hangs up he takes the sim card out then breaks it and throws it and phone in a nearby trash. "Eddie let's get going."

As they were making their way out of the crowd they had not realized they were being watch by a male Mongoose taking pictures of them wearing a Gray polo shirt with khaki pants as to blend in with the crowd.

"Tyler there you are I thought Beca and I had lost you in this sea animals."

"Oh! Sorry Annie I saw a couple of old acquaintances of mine."

"Oh, okay but for future sake tell me before you disappear." As Tyler gives her a kiss on the cheek and apologizes once more they both notice a lot of the larger animals start to get rowdies.


"So Nick you hear this?... Nick come in can you hear me?"

"Yeah, barely this crowd is getting a little uppity, but don't worry back up security are heading to the front barricades."

"Mr. Lumpus like always you're letting your emotions get in the way." Cornelius said grinning as he over sees the crowd.

"I'm idealistic, something that you can't Comprehend. You and Ms. Potter are just visionaries and realist."

"In layman's terms you're basically calling us dreamers." Ms. Potter said speaking up, Cornelius laughs at this.

"Umm, Mr. George," the moderator said getting his attention.

"Oh, yes sorry I shouldn't be laughing I should stay professional, he said straightening his tie." So what is your next question.

"Umm? Well It's more of an observation, there's something red on your tie."

"What?" As he looked down a shot ran out.

"OH, MY GOSH!!!" The crowd runs and screams in a panic.

"Shot fired...shot fired, Nick when need to evacuated Ms. Potter I need you over here."

"Judy head toward side entrance her driver is there with the car I'm trying to make my way over there but it's going to be difficult with this crowd." Nick says as he struggles not to get knocked down.

"Ms. Potter this way!" As Judy escorted her Judy heard more gun shots ring out followed by screams.

Ok oh boy thinks are a moving. What's up my readers nice to see your still hear I'm doing my best to get theses chapters out I'm already working on the next few ones so stay with me, I mean if you want I'm not forcing you lol we all have free will later 🤗 lol

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