(Patch)Temporary partner

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As Judy enters through the hospital sliding doors she headed straight for the receptionists' desk were a female pig nurse is typing rapidly on a computer at the sometime talking on the phone.

"Yes that would be correct just send it to the patients room 228...yes…no problem Finn," she hangs up the phone. "Yes how can I help you officer." She said leaning forward over her desk to speak to Judy.

"Oh, yes uh Hannah," Judy said reading her name tag. "I'm looking for Officer Nicholas Wilde he was brought in several hours after the...incident that took place earlier today at the Mayor's debate." Judy said with a sad tone.

"Officer Hopps yes we got word you would be arriving soon. Your partner Nicholas Wilde is two hallways down oh your left. Room number 77… But I most warn you since the moment he was brought in he hasn't woken up yet."

"I... I understand ugh...thank you...oh before I forget my mother is on her way here to meet me. Her name is Bonnie Hopps could you point her to Nick's room please."

"Oh, sure of course no problem Ms. Hopps. You take care now."

Judy quickly made it to Nick's room. Hesitate at first to enter scared to see Nick in such a condition. As she walks in she nearly broke down into tears. She rushed over to his side taken notice of a clipboard above his head. Figuring it was a medical report she read it to herself. "Oh, my gosh… Nick," she proclaimed as she interlocks her paw with his.

Half an hour later ~~~

Besides the heart monitor the room was completely silent. Judy was completely lost in thought as she stares at Nick who has yet to wake up.

At that moment the door to Nicks room opened with a rushed voice following soon after. "JUDY!"

"Mom!" Judy moved to hug her mother for comfort.

"Why are you still in your uniform bun-bun?" Bonnie says giving her daughter a look over.

"I didn't have time to change. When I got word on how they found Nick I rushed through everything to get here." Judy stated as she turns to look at Nick.

"How is he? Any changes at all?"

"No changes but...how he's doing I don't know. Based on the information the doctor gave me he loses a good amount of blood if they didn't find him in time he would have died from blood loss."

"Sweet cheese and crackers." Bonnie proceeds to walk to the side of Nick's bed. "Well thank goodness they found you Hollywood."

"Also," Judy Continued but with a shaken voice, "He has three cracked ribs on his lower left side of his body and…ugh concussion."

"Judy I know this hard for you but he'll pull through you'll see."

"Yeah! I-I know." Judy began to tear up.

"Judy, Bun-Bun what's wrong." Bonnie says as she rushes to her daughter who quickly fell to her knees.

"It's the concussion...the doctor...tried to soften the blow about it but... I saw the medical report before she came in."

"Sweetie...look at me…tell me what did it say," Bonnie pleaded.

Judy wipes her tear then continues. "The back of his skull has some fracturing damage in which it bruised his brain causing a blood clot to form and in short he could have Alzheimer."

"Alzheimer?" Bonnie says as she picks up her daughter and brings her to sit down in a chair.

"Yeah, but with a blood clot when its located in the subdural area, between the brain surface and the thin membrane that covers it, they can cause symptoms that mimic Alzheimer's disease."

"I see," Bonnie replied as her gaze shifted to Nick.

Before Bonnie could say anything else there was a knocking from the door.

Judy takes a breath preparing herself thinking it was the doctor again. "Come in... oh chief Bogo sir," Judy jumps to her feet.

"Afternoon Hopps how's Wilde doing."

"As of now he's fine they patch him up, but he's not out of the woods yet doctor's say he's going to need surgery to take care of the blood clot that's formed."

"I see," Bogo replied as he sighs. "Hopps I need to have a word with you."

"Oh, …okay sure. Mom I'll be right back."

"Oh, no need I'll try to make this quick I need to head back to the station." Bogo clears his throat. "Given the event that occurred today I have officers on double patrol and I have two swat teams patrol the entire hospital and a few other officers guarding Mr. George's room but last I heard he was still in surgery, But straight to the main point Ms. Potter."

"About that sir yes I know it's unprofessional how I just dumped her on officer Fangmeyer and-"

"Hopps," Bogo says as he raised his hoof to silence her. "It doesn't matter anymore you and obviously Wilde are off this main case."

"Wha- but sir!"

"Let me finish Hopps…given the situation of this case it's being taken over from an outside agency the reason is the mammal Wilde was able subdue."

"The Timber wolf," Bonnie said jumping in the conversation.

"Yes, Romeo Hollens. We check him out, turns out his has a rap sheet miles long. We found out he's linked to a group called the Red Claw."

"The Red Claw? Never heard of them before." Judy stated looking confused.

"Not surprising, but I must admit years before I was chief I only ever heard rumors about this group. I'll make sure clawhauser gives you and your new temporary partner the information this Agency is willing to share."

"Eh, wait new temporary partner sir," Judy proclaimed a bit shocked.

"Yes we have a new addition to the station." Chief Bogo walks to open the door. "Mrs. Lewis you can come in."

"Lewis?!" Judy thought remembering hearing that name before.

In an instant the three individuals were meet by a none other than the snow leopard herself who found Nick just in time.

"Judy Hopps It's nice to finally meet you I've been told about you since things calmed down. Though I wish it was under better circumstances," she said as her ears lay back with her gaze toward Nick.

Judy rushes to Candace wrapping her arms around her as best as she could give her a tight squeeze. "Thank you! You have no idea what it means to me that you found him in time...you saved his life."

Candace pats Judy's shoulders, "Don't mention it. I'm just glad I found him in time." Candace breaks the hug then looks at Nick, "if it weren't for Wilde a lot more mammals would have die."

"Yeah, I didn't get the chance to hear the full story but I know that this reckless idiot did what he could," she says as she walks to Nick bed side. "I can't even imagine what went through his head at that moment, but I can imagine marrying this reckless idiot soon then anticipated."

Okay I'm gonna stop here sorry guys In advance because the next chapter is going to be awhile it's going to be challenging in a way so please be patient and have a great labor day see ya🤗

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