(Patch)Seized Opportunity

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"Oh, my Gosh Ms. Potter are you okay what's all that noise." Patrick said as he's staggering up to Judy and her.

"Are you bloody deaf do you not hear those gun shots and screams."

"Save the talking for later for now keep your heads down we need to get to the car now." Judy said sternly. "Nick we're almost at the car, where are you?.... Nick… Nicholas Wilde answer me...sweet cheese and crackers I'm getting static. Patrick get Ms. Potter in the car and you both stay put."

"Wait what!? Stay put where are you going, your job is to guard me. Ms. Potter said a bit panicked."

"Yes I know but I need to find Nick he could be in trouble and I need to call in for help, there's someone or possibly more than one shooting in a crowd of mammals."

"I understand the situation it's dire but I'm sure your partner can handle himself and I'm sure he thought of calling this in. And need I remind you," she started to said with some attitude but was cut off by Judy's radio.

"Judy.... Judy are you there, can you hear me?"

"Oh, thank goodness Nick where are you I have Ms. Potter an-"

"Judy I don't know if you can hear me but I pray that you do. With all the panic I dropped my radio and it got beat up by some civilians trying to escape. Carrot listen to me on this next part," he takes a second to catch his breath. "Judy...animals are hurt and are dying out here. I can't get in contact with the Z.P.D I can't get any contact with Ben or the chief... I don't know if I'm getting through to you but I really hope I am and you're listening."

"Nick I'm here I c-can hear you. Don't worry I'll call the Z.P.D then I'll be there to hel-"

Take Ms. Potter to safety and call the Z.P.D send the swat team and multiple Ambulances I'm going to stay here and try to help as many-"

"Nick… Nick! Judy clinches her radio as all she could hear was static. Get in the car. Patrick drive and drive fast."

Now with Nick~~~

"Son of bitch," Nick said seeing his radio in pieces. "Get down! Come on move and keep your head down." As Nick helped as many of the injured and scared mammals to safety he tried his best to not focused on the blood and lifeless bodies on the ground, but his attention was soon drawn to a female lion bleeding severely from the forehead but was getting help walking from a female snow leopard who looks not panic at all.

"Nevaeh..... Tamira where are you?!"

"Ma'am I know you're worried about your kids I promise you will find them but you are in no condition to do anything."

"Hey over here you two need to get into cover," Nick said making a beeline to them.

"Look here sir I need you to take her and get some help she took a hard hit to the head, and I need to go find her kids."

"Sweet cheese and crackers there're children out there." Nick said looking around for signs of any children. "Ma'am what is your name?"

"My name...it's Elizabeth."

"Okay Elizabeth my name is office Wilde," he said showing her his badge. Where was the last spot you remember when you were with your kids."

"We were...mm we were near the stage."

"Ok I'm going to go find your children while my friend here gets you to safety."

"Sorry but I can't let you do that on your own office Wilde," the snow leopard said with determination in her voice.

"I appreciate the gesture but I can't put a civilian in more danger than she's already in."

"You won't and I'm not," she said reaching into her pocket. "My name is Candace Lewis, then she pulls out a badge of her own, "Officer Lewis."

Nick's face hardened, "Fine I don't have time to argue with you but first we need to get her out." As Nick says this severely more shoot rang out near them.

"Oh shit!" Candace said getting startled. "Look over there a barricade." As they get behind the barricade Candace took notice of Nick's shoulder. "Office Wilde your shoulder its bleeding."

"Huh...oh dame one of those bullets must have grazed me… I'll live, but we need to get her some help," Nick said as he searches for any opportunity to flee.

"Look over there some injured animals are getting help by a Mongoose there piling in the back of his truck we need to get her over there."

"I agree but our problem is the shooter I don't know their position.... Hey do you have a pocket mirror?"

"Oh, so just because I'm a female you assume I carry a mirror."

Nick looked at her with a befuddled expression, "Do you have one or not?!"

She sighs, "Here but I want it back."

"Yeah sure," Nick said as he angles the mirror to see if he can spot the shooter. "Come on...come on where are you, as Nick moves the mirror a little to the left he notched a red dot that pops up. "There you are... Lewis good news I got the shooters' location," as He says this a bullet runs right through the mirror leaving it in pieces, "bad news they just shot your mirror."

"What?! That was a gift from my husband…fucking spirits." Candace anger was quickly gone as she hears crying coming from nearby.

"T-Tamira... Nevaeh," Elizabeth said weakly.

"That's not good," Nick said as he spotted two small lion cubs holding each other crying.

"Wilde we need a plan here and a good one. Candace said looking ready to run for the two cubs.

Nick sighs, "I know...and I have one." He then pulls out S&W model 41 from his shoulder holster.

Candace eyes his weapon, "Well is it a good one?"

"Hell no...it a reckless one...but it's all I got right now," Nick closes his eyes and Steadies his breathing. "Okay those kids aren't that far from us. I'm going to need you to get to them with Ms. Elizabeth here and get to that guys truck. I've got our shooters position he or she is on the roof of the building across the street. I'm going to lay down cover fire, doing so getting their attention on me. With any luck I'm going to make my way towards them up the fire escape in the ally."

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"Look at our situation not a lot of options here."

Candace's gaze goes back and forth between the cubs and Nick. "For fuck sakes and I just got here to Zootopia...alright then just say the word."

"Ok on three....one....two....three!" Nick Immediately charged toward the building firing his weapon at the roof. At that moment all he could think about was how Judy would kill him for doing something so reckless.

Hello my readers I hope you enjoy this chapter I Initially plan to make this longer but ended up changing my mind there was lot about this chapter I changed and decided to change or put it in a better chapter that fits but please stay tuned if your eager to find out what happens next.

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