(Rewritten) The Big News!

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(Time Skip)

As Judy and Nick entered the Z.P.D, straight away, the couple heard both of their names being called from the front desk. "Hey, Nick! Hey, Judy!" It was their good friend Benjamin Clawhauser.

"Good morning, Clawhauser," Judy grinned. Nick and Judy walked toward the desk. Hey! Morning, Spots. How goes it?" Nick leans against the desk.

"Oh, its going go-!" Benjamin started to gurgle giddily but then quickly sits up from his chair while sniffing the air.

Nick eases his paw into the air with a pink and stripped box on it. " I think your smelling these?"

"oh, they smell so gooood," Clawhauser bubbled, popping and bouncing in his sit!

"Well, if you want'em, there for you anyway." Nick handed him the box of donuts.

Clawhauser loudly gasped, overjoyed to have friends like Nick and Judy, as he took the donuts from him. "Thanks you guys! You are so sweet!"

Judy giggled from his infectious, merry gratitude and then chirped, "not a problem, Ben."

Nick and Judy headed off to the bullpen for their next assignment. As the couple continued to the bullpen, Nick couldn't help but think about what Judy said back at the Kangaroos Coffee Shop (the name felt so lazy but I wrote it😶). Two months had past but they still have yet to her parents about the engagement. "Oh, crap," Nick grumbled to himself before face-pawing! "I just realize I never asked their permission to marry their daughter!"

Nick, are you okay," Judy asked Nick, confused about his manner. 

They entered the bullpen. "Huh? Oh... Umm? Yeah, Judy, e-everything's fine." They took their seats, dazed at each other. Judy gave him a look - a concerned look, a brow raised saying "you want to try that again?" Nick could tell she knew there was something up with him. He sighed, closing my eyes. "Alright, there is something on my mind." He paused, slowly wavering an index finger up, contemplating how to reply.

Judy gently reached out her paw to him a moment before Chief Bogo entered the room. "Hey! You, Dumb Fox," she wittily whispers into Nick's ear, "we will talk about this after work."

They readied themselves as police and faced the Chief. At the end of the day, Nick and Judy gathered their belongings to leave. Chief Bogo had assigned them on paperwork duty. It was a very slow day. Constantly, Judy caught glimpses of Nick staring into space. Something must be on his mind. Before, he was going to tell me but couldn't get it out. Perhaps, I may need to lure the issue out of him now before it trouble him more. The two walked out of the station.Judy glanced up at him, finding that he was still spaced out. At their car, Judy halted herself in Nick's tracks, folding her arms, worried. 

Nick? Can you talk to me please? She waited but nothing. "What's been on your mind today?" "Nicky?"

"Nicky? Oh! Sorry about that," he said snapping out of his trance. Nick turned to Judy

"Are you going to tell me what's been going on with you today?"

Nick's fidgety paw started rubbing the back of his neck. He sighed and then looked at Judy. "Alright. look, Judy... uh. I've been thinking  about what you said earlier this morning, about not telling your parents about our engagement..."

"Yeah but..."

"Yes! I know what I said, and I meat ever word, but what's got me worried ... is your dad." Nick bashfully, frantically, cuts Judy off.

Judy finds him cute. "My... dad?" she nonchalantly questioned. Suddenly, her ears jumped up, "Oh..." and her arms release, "OH!" Judy realizing what he meant. There was silence in the air. The couple are stupefied at each other about the thought but were interrupted by Judy's ringing phone. Hesitantly, Judy look to see who called, both of her parents. Oh, my gosh! Gasping at Nick, and Nick gasping at Judy, she nearly dropped her cellphone. Quickly , after awkwardly grinning, Judy took a second to collect herself and answer the call. "HEEEY, Mom-heh... Dad. It's been awhile since we've last talk," she stammered, tittering nervously. 

"Heeey, Jude the Dude," Stu merrily greeted and laughed to his daughter. 

"Hey there, Sweetheart! How have  you and Nick been?"

"Oh, we're good." Judy lifted the phone to show that Nick was present.

Nick tenses up. Heh-hey there, Bonnie and Stu!" Nick quickly reverts to his witty self, a dashing smirk oh his face.  He comes to tower behind Judy, hovering over her shoulder, to make it easier for her to hold the phone.

"That's 'sir' to you, Nick," Stu sternly corrected , pointing at him through the screen. 

"Yes, sir. I'm  so sorry sir," Nick acts as if his talking  to Mr.Big  with those prayer  hands of his. He nervously wiggles his fingers within his pressed-together hands. Bonnie gives Stu an eye and then smiles back at her daughter and potential son-in-law.

"Sooo, to what do we owe this wonderful call of yours," Judy kindly helps everyone to evade the awkward tension. 

"Oh, yeah! we just wanted to see if you guys could join us here in Bunnyburrow. It's been awhile  since you came down to visit."

Judy pondered for a moment and then had a thought. She smiled, "You know what...that would be a perfect idea to visit. Actually, we've been meaning to see you guys! We have big news to tell you, right?" Judy tenderly ask Nick with puppy dog eyes and a charming smile.

"Oh... Oh, yeah. Exciting news," he wearily gushed , getting close to the screen. "We have two days off, so we could  start parking our bags once we're home and be there tomorrow evening."

"Honey," Bonnie rejoices at Stu! She turns back to the couple. "That's perfect! we can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. well, see you soon. Byyye! 

Hey guys I know it's been forever It  just took me so long to get this out me working and trying to find a time to write this down only time I get to do this is on the weekend so I'll try to write down and get as much good stuff as I can but the next one hopefully doesn't take as long but it will take me some time so please stay patient please like and tell me your feedback.

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