(Rewritten)Pushed buttons

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"Wait... What," Jack freaked out?!

"Nick is a cop. Also my partner at the Z.P.D." Judy folded her arms.

Jack pulled down his ears, stressed. "Wow... wow! This is bad, this is really- wait! The ZPD let a fox, this fox, be a cop," Jack queried, voice cracking as he gestured towards Nick?

"This fox." Judy crossly squeezed her fist. "This fox. This FOX! THIS FOX! My fox has a name! It's Nick! Nicholas Piberius Wilde? Remember him on the news as the first fox officer? Another employee who is known as one of the best officers back at the Z.P.D! My partner but, before that, my best friend! He and I worked together so well that we are almost always on a case alone. He knows me better then I know myself. This is why I trust him with my life and so does the Z.P.D with others' lives nationally, on the daily! I'm not going stand here, repeating the same things over and over and over again, wasting my breath on a fool, who desperately need his ears checked! I won't watch you disrespect him as a man nor as an officer. Not like that!"

Jack remembered something like that in the Zootopia news reports. It's a phenomenon like the first bunny reports. He slowly shook the knowledge out his head. "Judy, for fox sake." Jack rolled his eyes. "How did you manage to have him as a partner? How did they come to term with believing in a fox? You can't trust him."

"You can't trust him. You're sick and specist. It's not right." Judy helped Nick onto his feet.

Jack proclaimed. "Judy, you can't be this stupid. It's a FOX!"

"HEY," Nick barked and the seethed through his teeth, "Don't you dare call her that!" Nick took Judy's paw and nearly walked off until facing Jack again. "I can't take this anymore. Say what you want about me, I don't give a damn, it's not the first time I've come across ignorant assholes like you, but don't you dare insult my Judy," Nick demanded!

"Nick. Look at me and calm down." Judy grabbed both his paws. "I've got this."

I looked into her eyes and right away I knew she had this under control.....(takes a deep breath then breaths out) I'm okay carrots.

"Judy, please listen to reason," Jack pleaded! "That so called 'Nick' will only hurt you. I mean, look at his vicious claws!"

For a moment it was silent. Judy and Nick were dumbfound. Then, all silence was broken by Judy's laughter. Nick smiled, kind of because he admire Judy's slightly 'sinister' grin.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked confused

"Jack, you want me to listen to reason? Well, you see the thing about that is, I should arrest you. You have harassed, assaulted and injured an officer."

"WHAT!? Y-You can't be serious. Did I hear you right? Judy, I didn't do
anything wrong!"

"Didn't do anything?" Bonnie walked out of the house, and Stu followed.
"We saw you with our own two eyes when you stepped on his tail! Then, you tried to punch him twice and failed. You pulled a dirty trick by throwing dirt into his eyes." Judy chuckled. "There are three witnesses! You know, Jack? There is a terrible penalty in place for criminals who assault anyone of any species, especially an officer. The potential sentence carries up to... I'd estimate about three years in prison, maybe more for lying. But! You can get out of it by community service, or after one year if you have no misdemeanors during your jail time! Or maybe, and here is a simpler way to get out of your punishment..."

"I-It! I... Um... I... mean," Jack stammered his words, beginning to sweat badly.

"Tell you what, Jack. How about you do what I said early. You will leave and never come back."

I said the same thing to the fox! Jack thought. Karma is real.

"We can forget this whole situation that has transpired during your little visit, okay," Judy request with a polite smile.

Panic was ironed upon Jack's face until he had a thought. Jack composed himself and stood up. "Your word wouldn't be enough. You don't have any proof, and I have amazing lawyers."

Judy's smirk quickly faded into disgust. Being who Jack is, he would have powerful lawyers. What do I do now to get him off our...?

"Judy," said a little bunny pulling on Judy's pants.

"Ann? Yes, what is it," Judy asked, kneeling down to her little sister.

"Look! Your proof!" Ann showed Judy the video on her phone of Jack attacking Nick.

A huge smile formed upon Judy's face. "Well would you look at that Jack."

"Carrots." Nick slipped out the carrot pen Judy gave him a long time ago. Remember when Nick stopped playing with the kids? There was a smile that faded off him, but that's not the only thing that happened in that moment. Nick wanted to ensure his safety by recording the entire conversation just before it even started.

"Oh and look at that! The whole scuffle was recorded by audio too. SO not only is there visual evidence! There is your word against... well, yours!" Judy taunted with a sideways glance at Jack. "That's also another witness. She's a child, by the way. You've done this before her, so sorry Jack... your lawyers can't save you from this one. That's called a hustle, jackass! So," Judy stood up. "I'm going to say this again: you have two choices. leave and never return, we can pretend none of this ever happened, or I can arrest you right here, right now. Simple." And I really hope you pick the second option because that would really make my day.

"Alright." Jack grimaced at the kid and her evidence. "I'll leave... but I assure you, Judy... he will only hurt you," he warned, walking off in defeat.

The family stared at him as he quickly left distance and dirt smoke behind.

"Well... That happened," Nick dully commented by Judy.

Judy giggled. "I swear I was 3 seconds away from giving him a black eye to match that bloody lip you gave him. Anyway, come inside. Let's go get you cleaned up."

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