Part 11

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Still Jihoon's POV
I woke up with a shooting pain in my back remembering what happened yesterday my own father... no he doesn't deserve to be called that ,mr lee , raped me.

I cried again and started to make my way slowly to the bathroom when I reached it I looked up into the mirror to see a bruised hollow face with swollen eyes. I really did look bad. My waist had got noticeably skinnier but I need to lose more weight or no one will like me.

Getting ready for school I put concealer on to cover the bruised and a jumper with jeans (photo at the top) I can't be late I need to go to school or mr lee will be mad at me.

These past few weeks soonyoung and his friends have been trying to be friends with me but all I seem to do is push them away yes I feel bad each time I do that but it is for their own safety I can't make them be burdened. Before I knew it I had made it to school everyone ignoring my presence which I'm glad for less people that look at me the less I see their judging eyes.
There is no soonyoung or his friends when I get to the class room but maybe they are just late.

Time skip
They never came to class but maybe that's because they are ill, then again surely not all three of them can be ill at the same time. I thought it was just them three but none of them are here they might have skipped school for today I wouldn't blame them. It's already lunch time and luckily I haven't seen any of got7.thank god. But of course my luck doesn't last I see them coming round the corner but only count six of them.I turn around to escape getting beaten for one day to be met with a chest.

There stands jinyoung one of my bullies we used to be friends but once they found out that I was gay they kicked me out of their friend ship calling it disgusting and began bullying me even though I'm 99% sure that Jackson is gay himself and doesn't want to admit it. He's got to be no one can act that gay and be straight and this is coming from a member of the lgbtq+ community.

Anyway I'm  getting a bit side tracked here he grabbed ahold of me and pinned me against the lockers I didn't bother struggling there was no point I can't escape my fate. When the others got there they smirked and jaebum said " you caught our toy for us? Brilliant" Before giving jinyoung a high five and kicking me in the stomach. I almost forgot what happened last night but the lingering pain grew stronger at each punch kick or hit.

Nobody came to help me everyone was just watching like normal. I kept waiting for soonyoung to come save me I hadn't realised how much I had started to rely on him. He never showed up so I took the beating just waiting for it to stop.

After a while it did and they left leaving me in pain with my injuries but I can't go home not yet school isn't over so I try to stand up not bothering going to the nurse I wouldn't make it that far anyway.
When in class I can feel the stares at me but they definitely weren't concerned if anything it looked like they were happy about what happened but then again I couldn't blame them I hate myself so what's stopping them from hating me.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day. I have gotten used to it now go to school starve get bullied go home get beaten go to bed without food.I have barely eaten in a month and whilst it wasn't healthy I couldn't bring myself to care and nobody has probably noticed... but he was wrong some people have and were beginning to worry.

Soonyoungs POV
We had training today so we couldn't go to school but I had a bad feeling that something was wrong. I had a feeling that it had something to do with Jihoon We've noticed that he has gotten thinner but every time we offer him something he turns it down saying he's not hungry. We couldn't help but worry about him we may not be friends yet but we still care for him

Word count: 757
A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while I've had tests to study for and homework to do and I've been on holiday. I'm also lacking in ideas at the moment and am not sure if what I'm writing makes sense please can you give me ideas on what to do and I'll try to update as soon as possible but no promises.

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