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It was the first rehearsal. All the Bellas sat in the auditorium. They watched as Aubrey walked back and forth. She was telling the Bellas the rules, even the ones about having relations with the Treblemakers.

Beca couldn't care about it. Her attention as on Chloe, who kept sneaking looks her way. She could feel Emily vibrating from excitements next to her. She shook her head at her little sister.

Aubrey was telling the girls about one of the girls that was kicked out.

"The oath was serious?" Beca asked, her eyes wide. She looked from Aubrey to Chloe, who shrugged.

"Dixie Chicks-serious. You can fool around with anyone you want, just not a Treble," Aubrey said. She opened her mouth to say something else, but Stacie cut her out.

"That's not going to be easy. He's a hunter."

Beca rolled her eyes. "Obvious. I'm lucky it hasn't caught me."

"Gross," Emily whispered, a disgusted look on her face.

Aubrey and Chloe glared at the two, before the blond girl turned to Stacie.

"Stacie, the Trebles don't respect us. They treat us like we're one big joke. And if we let them penetrate us, we're giving them our power."

"That's not really a good reason to use the word penetrate," the mummy, Fat Amy stated.

"And, I'd like to be the one doing the penetration," Stacie commented, shooting Aubrey a wink.

The werewolf blushed and looked away. Beca grinned. Aubrey moved on to the next topic.

One of the girls was quickly kicked out of the group for having sex with a Treble. Beca watched as the girl grabbed her chair was dragged it as she walked away.

"Was that really necessary?" Beca asked, turning back to the Bella's captain.

Aubrey moved to stand in front of Beca. "This is war, Beca. It's my job to make sure my soldiers are prepped at go time with three kick ass songs sung and choreographed to perfection. We only have four months 'til regionals so if you have a problem with how I run the Bellas—"

Aubrey stopped and covered her mouth. She turned so she had her back to the group.

"Doggy coughing up a fur ball?" Beca asked, a smirk on her face.

Chloe shot the vampire a glare.

"Aubrey's a wolf, not a cat," Emily whispered, taking her attention from the captains and giving it to her sister.

Beca shrugged. "Whatever. She's still an animal."

"Beca, stop," Chloe reprimanded. She then turned to Aubrey. "Relax Bree. We can't have a repeat of last year."

"What happened last year?" The ghost, Lilly asked.

Chloe's head shot up and she looked around, before her eyes set on the transparent girl.


"What happened last year? And do you guys want to see my dead body?"

Emily, Beca, and Aubrey looked freaked out, as they were the only ones who were able to hear that.

Chloe then went on to tell the girls about Aubrey's puke-fest. Beca was disgust, but couldn't let the chance go.

"Did you lick it when you were done? Cause I've seen dogs do that all the time."

Aubrey growled at the girl

The werewolf then went on to tell the girls about cardio, with a few responses. Beca telling her that she was a vampire and it was useless for her to run. Lilly responded that she couldn't touch the ground (but Aubrey chose to say she couldn't hear) and Fat Amy, who told her that she would become unwrapped if she ran.

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