Wake Me Up

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James walked into small room, seeing a seer sitting behind a desk. She had her eyes closed. James frowned, looking around, unsure of what to do. He didn't know if the seer had noticed him.

"Sit James Swanson," she said, opening her eyes.

James sat down, a small frown on his face.

"Why do you come here?"

"I want to know my future," he said, sitting down in front of the woman.

The Seer closed her eyes.

"You will become the Alpha of your pack," the Seer said, causing joy to fill James. It was all he wanted since he knew what an alpha was. His older brother seemed to be the chosen on, but James didn't think he was right for him.

"But it won't last."

James frowned, unsure of what that meant.

"There is a vampire, a young female vampire. She's going to kill you. She's going to destroy everything that is yours."


"Rebecca Mitchell."


Beca breathed in, feeling Chloe in her arms. After the days of torture, she finally felt safe. She heard James speak, causing her to move away and turned to him, anger in her veins. Beca glared at James. "You're going to pay for all the pain you caused."

James smirked. "This will be fun."

Beca heard more growls. She turned to see werewolves, in their wolves form, stalk into the room. They charged towards Benji, Emily and Chloe. Beca wanted to help the girls, but James took a step towards her. Beca's head snapped to him, her hands in fists.

Beca charged at him. James just grabbed her throat and stopped her. He brought her closer, to whisper in her ear. "You're going to die. Your friends are going to die. And this is all going to be your fault. This house is filled with my pack. Your friends won't make it out of here alive. And it's all going to be because of you."

Beca kicked him between his legs, causing him to let her go and fall to the ground, letting out a groan.

"You bitch!"

Beca raised her fist and punched the man in the face. "This is your fault. This never should have happened! You started this!"

She heard her baby sister let out a cry. Beca quickly turned to see a werewolf standing over Emily, it's teeth baring. Beca was about to go help, when some type of force pushed the wolf away. She looked at Benji, who looked at her. Beca gave him a nod, before turning back to James.

James was kneeling in front of her. Beca grabbed the top of his hair and pulled back. James gave her a smile and reached for the back of his pants. Beca didn't have time to stop him when he stabbed her with a knife covered in holy water. She let out a gasp, taking a step back.


Aubrey snarled, as she slashed against a wolf. She turned her wolf head to see Stacie struggling against a wolf. She was about to charge, when another one appeared in front of her.

Aubrey wondered where all these wolves came from, before assuming the alpha was probably preparing for this. She prepared to pounce, when there was an explosion. They all turned to look at the wall. Aubrey took a step back to see the Bellas running into help. There was also a blond man holding up two guns.

"No one messes with the Bellas," Amy told the group, nodding her head. The blond man through a gun to Stacie who caught it and shot at the wolf trying to bite her. The wolf whimpered, moving back. It shook his head, before it seemed to slow down. Before dropping.

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