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Emily was new to relationships. She never really dated anyone. Beca was bad with people, Emily was worse. There were different, but connecting with people was something they both sucked at. But unlike Beca, Emily did want to make friends. She did want to bond. She was just too much sometimes. It was like she had too much energy and it put people off. Emily did wish things were different about that, but she didn't know how to change that.

So when Benji asked her out, she was over the moon. She had never felt that much joy in her life. She didn't know why, but whatever connection she had with Benji, it was strong. It was something out of this world.

She knew Benji wouldn't be everyone's first choice, but Emily liked him. She liked more that she thought possible without crossing the Love-Line.

She was going to need help. She was going to need someone to help in her clothing choices and on what to do on the date. She knew Stacie would be good for that. Chloe maybe. But she needed someone to distract Beca from finding out. She didn't want her older sister finding out too early. She knew that her sister was going to scare Benji, and she didn't want that to happen.

Emily knew what she was going to do. There was one person who could help her. She headed towards the apartment. It was her last hope.


Emily knocked on the door. She could feel her heart pound. All she hoped for was for it to work. She heard movement in the other side of the door. She watched as the door opened, and the blond werewolf stood there. Emily stood up, giving her a small smile.

Emily was getting over the fact that Aubrey was a werewolf. She knew that not all wolves were bad, but growing up with stories made her suspicious. It made her cautious.

"Is Chloe here? Can I talk to her?" Emily asked, the nerves evident in her voice.

Aubrey nodded and moved out of the way, letting Emily enter the apartment. Aubrey called out for Chloe and told Emily to sit down on the couch. The Halfling did as she was told, and waited for the witch. Emily looked around the room noticing every little thing. She could see the differences between Aubrey's things and Chloe's.  She could see pictures of their friends. She even saw one of her sister. She heard footsteps behind her. She turned and smiled at the redhead.

"You wanted to talk?" the witch asked, her voice friendly.

Emily nodded, folding her hands on her lap. "Benji, he uh, he asked me out."

Chloe's eyes widened. "That's great! I see how you look at him. I know you really like him."

Emily smiled. "Yeah. I like him, a lot. He was so sweet when he asked me out."

Benji walked up to Emily, a rose in his hand. She looked up at him and smiled. They had been hanging out a lot outside of class and Bella's rehearsal. Benji had tried out for the Trebles, but their front man, Bumper Allen was an ass and didn't let him join. Benji was sad about it, but he was okay without it, or so he told Emily.

"Hey Benji."

"H-hi Em. I, I wanted to ask you something."

Emily looked at him, raising her eyebrows, letting him know she was listening. She had a feeling she knew what it was, but she didn't want to make any assumptions. She decided to wait for Benji to tell her what he wanted to say.

"I, uh, I like you Em. I like you a lot, and it would mean a lot to me if you'd go on a date with me. You can say no, if you don't want to," he told her, his cheeks blushing a deep red. He looked at the flower in his hand. He handed her the rose. "But it would mean a lot to me if you did go out with me."

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