Turn the Beat Around

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Finding out Emily had been poisoned had topped as the worst day of her life. It was right up there with the death of her mother. Since returning home, she hadn't left her sister's side. Beca was sitting on the end of the bed, with Emily's head on her lap. Beca ran her hand through the girl's hair.

Emily got worse as time went by. She couldn't stay awake for long. She wasn't making sense when she was awake and talking.

Beca felt like she had to sit there and watch, as a punishment. It was all her fault. She had to suffer for what she caused. Beca looked down at her sister and saw the discomfort in her face. Beca decided to sing to her sister. She also decided to change up the song.

"When you're gone... / When you're gone.. / I'm gonna miss you when you're gone / I'm gonna miss you by your hair / I'm gonna miss you everywhere / Oh, I'm gonna miss you when you're gone"

Emily seemed to calm down a bit. She didn't look to be in as much pain as she previously was. She let out a small moan as she moved to make herself comfortable.

Emily liked it when Beca sang. When they were younger, Emily would have nightmares and the only thing that would calm her down was Beca's singing.

Seventeen-year-old Beca was walking to her room, when she heard sniffling. Beca stopped and walked to the bedroom that belonged to her sister's. She grabbed the doorknob, but did not open it. She listened for anything. The second she heard a sob; she rushed into the room, worried about her sister.

"What's wrong?" Beca questioned, as she rushed into the room, turning on the light.

Five-year-old Emily was in the middle of her bed, the blanket was wrapped around her. Her eyes were red and wet from tears. "Bad dream."

Beca smiled. She walked over to the bed and sat down. "What was it about you?"

"Evil dog hurt you," Emily said, a new wave of tears falling down her face.

Beca moved to sit down on the bed and pulled her sister onto her lap. "Nothing is going to hurt me. I promise."

"I'm scared."

Beca started humming. She closed her eyes and ran her hand through her sister's hair. She felt Emily relax, as it was her favorite song. Beca decided to sing the chorus.

"I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly / I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky / And I'll make a wish / Take a chance / Make a change / And breakaway

"Out of the darkness and into the sun / But I won't forget all the ones that I love / I'll take a risk / Take a chance / Make a change / And breakaway"

Beca looked down at her sleeping sister. She smiled, as she moved out of the bed to make Emily more comfortable. Beca kissed her sister's forehead and left the room, turning of the lights. She kept an ear out for her sister, but Emily slept through the whole night.

Beca looked down at her sister.

"Mmm," Emily mumbled in her sleep. "Hurts." Emily suddenly shot up and threw up into the trashcan next to the bed.

"It's okay. You are going to be okay," Beca whispered, her voice void of any emotion. She just strokes her sister's back.


Chloe didn't want to do it. She didn't want to be the one to tell him, but other than Emily, she was closest to him. She was closest to Benji, and she had to tell him.

She didn't know how. How did she tell someone the love of their life was dying? How did she tell someone that the person they were meant to spend the rest of their life with wasn't going to make it?

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