Heartbreak Dream

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Fat Amy had been a mummy for years. Mummies were like vampires; their lives lasted for a long time. Fat Amy wasn't going to tell anyone how old she was. But she would tease Beca about being the eldest person in the room. Australia had been filled with Mummies. There were many species, but not a lot of Vampires, given the heat. They mostly reside in the US and Canada. There were a few in Europe and Asia.

The robes the mummies wore kept them protected from the sunlight. It kept their bodies intact, and without the robes, the mummies would die, similar to the enchanted jewelry vampires wore.

At the moment, the Bellas were in rehearsal. Fat Amy looked around, seeing all the girls around the room. It was a small break. She could see Beca and Chloe talking and whispering things to each other. For someone who says she was such a badass, Beca was surely a softy.  She was always making sure Chloe was okay, and not overworked, or wasn't hungry, or wasn't too tired. She'd make sure Chloe was happy and comfortable. It was cute.

Stacie wasn't so far from the group, but she wasn't interacting with them. She was sitting there, watching Aubrey write on the board. Fat Amy could see Stacie's line of sight, to Aubrey's behind. Amy had lost count of how many times she caught Stacie ogling Aubrey, or how may crude comments she heard. There was a difference between Beca and Stacie, on how they acted around their girlfriends.

She looked over, to see Emily falling asleep on her chair. The youngest member looked dead on her feet. Fat Amy had noticed the young girl falling behind. She looked exhausted, and confused. She knew it wasn't normal, with her being a Halfling and all. And she had been like that the previous day as well, but she seemed even worse than the day before.

Aubrey clapped her hands and told everyone that the break was over and they all needed to get back to work. Amy looked over to see Emily struggle to push herself to her feet. The brunette moved so she was away from Beca's line of sight and behind everyone.

Aubrey started the practice. Everyone started going over the choreography. Aubrey walked around the group, commenting on everyone's form, telling them what they needed to fix.

Amy watched as Aubrey stopped in front of Emily. The young girl looked up at her, her eyes drooping, her body seemed ready to give out.

"What is wrong with you? We have been going over the routine or months, how are you screwing up? Can't you do anything right?" Aubrey asked, her voiced filled with disbelief and a hint of anger.

Emily opened her mouth to answer, but quickly closed it. Amy turned to Beca, to see the vampire glaring at the werewolf. Beca took a step towards Aubrey.

"Nothing to say? Why don't you just leave? Come back when you decide to be useful," Aubrey snapped.

The younger girl's eyes filled with tears, as she stumbled back. The Halfling lost her footing and fell to the ground. That was when hell broke loose.

Beca used her speed to grab Aubrey by her throat and slam her to the ground, creating cracks on the ground. She growled at the girl, as she moved closer her face. "Do not talk to her like that. Or I will rip out your throat. I don't care who you are. You hear me?"

Aubrey started to scratch, tried to get Beca to release her, but nothing was working. She gasped. Tears started to well up in her eyes.

Fat Amy and Cynthia Rose rushed to pull Beca away, but the short girl was stronger. She was able to shrug them off. Fat Amy and Cynthia Rose didn't stop. They continued to try to get Beca off of their captain, who seemed to be struggling to breath.

Chloe had rushed to check on the Halfling, who just slumped against the redhead.

"I asked, do you hear me?" Beca growled. Amy saw Beca's hand tightened. A louder growl erupted from her throat.

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