Change Your Life

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Emily was the second one up that morning. She was still staying over at Beca's dorm, rather than her own. She wasn't comfortable with her roommate, a siren, so she continued to have Beca's bed. There was an advantage of being a full Vampire. They didn't need more than two hours. Emily, being a Halfling, needed at least six. Beca let Emily have her bed. The younger of the two still went to her own dorm, majority of her things were there, but she did spend time with her sister and her best friend.

"What's your plan for the day?" Beca asked from her chair. Emily jumped in place, not paying attention. Beca chuckled. "You really got to hone in on your senses. But what are you doing today?"

Emily looked to her lap. "I'm meeting with Dad."


Emily sat up and faced her sister. "Don't be like that Becs. Why do you hate him so much?"

The full vampire sighed, facing away from her sister. "I don't hate him."

Then why don't talk to him?"

Beca clenched her teeth, as her eyes stayed on the computer. "Ask him."

Emily sighed. "I wish you two would get along."

"And I wish my mom was still alive," the short brunette muttered.

Emily felt her heart break a little. "But then I wouldn't be  here."

Beca shot up. "No! I love you. I would never want anything to happen to you. I just, I miss my mom. That's just it. You are the best thing in my life right now Em. Don't ever think that I would ever not want you in my life."

Emily smiled. She knew what Beca meant. And she could see her sister getting anxious. "Second best, now."

Beca looked confused.

"Chloe Beale, the love of your life."

Beca smirked. "I barely know her."

"But you want to know more."

Beca shook her head, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"You are really something."

"Now that that is over with," someone said from across the room. Both Beca and Emily jumped.

Emily laughed. "You really got to hone in your senses, Beca."

"Shut up. Don't you have something to do?"

Emily nodded and grabbed her stuff. "See you later."

"Bye Emily!" Stacie exclaimed.

"See you, Em."


Jesse had known about the rivalry between wolves and vampires. He didn't agree with it. In his mind, there was no point. They were both on Earth, so they could get along. But he did know about how each species were each other's weakness.

He knew only know one and a half vampires. Beca and her little sister, Emily. They were the only vampires he knew. And he didn't feel anything except wanting to get to know them. His roommate, second year Benji had met Emily. He said that she was sweet and funny and so nice.

His family was anti-vampires. They wanted all of the "bloodsuckers" to be extinct. They had tried to drill it into his head, but his beliefs never changed.

He looked up when he saw his co-worker walk in.

He shot her a smile. "Hi."

"Jesse." She barely gave him a look.

Jesse sighed. They had been working together for a few weeks. And he still wasn't able to get to Beca. He wanted them to be friends, to defeat the stereotypes that Vampires and Werewolves couldn't be friends.

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